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Citation:   Tunug. "Synesthesia: An Experience with Endogenous (exp88742)". Dec 16, 2010.

I just want to talk a little bit about SYNESTHESIA. WOW!!! What an amazing thing. Synesthesia is where I see colors when I taste, smell, or hear. Anything I taste smell or hear, has a color to it. I have this wonderful wonderful gift.

I cannot taste, smell, and am almost completely blind, am ventilator dependant 70% and have many many other health issues. I hear colors basically which means that ANY noise whatsoever has a color. The noise of my fingers on the keyboard has a color of purple. The heater going in my room has a color of whitesh. The noises sometimes have an array of colors like sometimes a classical piece like the Minuet in G Minor has a colors of whitesh, pink, blue, and green. The little one by Bach. And my monitors beeping and stuff have colors as well. My pulse oximeter which is the device I use to monitor my oxygen saturations and heart rate has a beep color of greyish, and my EKG machine I use to monitor my heart's rhythm has a color of blue. The beeping does. My ventilator's noise has a color of green blue, and white. Basically my life is a wide variety of audiable colors. Basically anything if it has noise, I see colors. :)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88742
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 16, 2010Views: 5,954
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Endogenous (86) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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