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The Glowing Euphoria
Citation:   NoOne. "The Glowing Euphoria: An Experience with 2C-E (exp88830)". Jan 20, 2020.

10 - 12 mg insufflated 2C-E
I'll do my best to relate things pretty accurate. Although I've had a 2c-e relation for quite a time, never had any interests in it, anyway after reading a few reports, and despite all the negative phenethylamine body load and the darkside it carries, it raised my interest. My classroom announced a 1-day excursion being up the next weekend, so I bought three 10mg pre-measured 2c-e doses.

Personal background: I am not experienced in the psychedelic plane, although I have experience with alternate consciousness states, the only psychedelic substances that I ingested being 2c-b, a substance that I loved, given its quality to induce high euphoric states and a greatly increased music appreciation, and stunning visuals without the proper psychedelic mindfuck, not at all, especially in synergy with mephedrone, and 2c-c, who gave me quite a relaxing and mild trip, with a little but not troublesome mindfuck, yet not that much of a Ecstasy like 2c-b. Anyway, since the route I went with those substances was snorting, that's the one I choose for 2c-e too. After quite some research (Note: I am not a control freak, yet It's part of the trip knowing the substance you are dealing with) , I thought for a few minutes of plugging it, but never tried it, and the setting was not the best. Therefore, this should be my first 'real' trip. Have gone in past through loads of i.m. ketamine, and weed. I am 16 years old, fit, quite tall. Swimming for 5 years, taking good care of my body, with a stable psychic. Also a beginner in the arts of astral projecting.

I would like to point that my experience with this substances have been extremely euphoric, but for a friend who was also taking a psychedelic for the first time (he is inexperienced with drugs, and I am aware that 2c-e is quite a substance, especially for a first timer, yet I thought he would handle it) , it wasn't really euphoric, more like an brutal ego rip.

The first experience would take place in a trip in the mountains with my classroom, we had a nice time on our way there, smoked some weed to kill my movement nausea. We got there, chilled around, chose a nice room, got our trip-toys, a flute, a acoustic guitar and some hand drums, some music. Inspected the place for a while, what a view man! Went on a hurry to a slope, smoked some weed again, went back home, chilled for a little. Tried to explain him what was going to happen. I am sitting around with two of my best friend, whom I'll call L. and F., also two cute twins, one of them being F.'s girlfriend. Loads of annoying people, they don't bother me usually, neither they did now. We went outside, I snorted a 10mg pre-measured dose and a little more from another ( around 1-3mg I'd say) without a hesitation, did not have even that anxiety that comes just before doing something new. I was 100% sure it'll be fine. R, who was also taking it, wasn't so sure, but I encouraged him. He snorted only a pre-measured 10mg one.

T (0:00) And up the nose it went. The usual boring pain that strikes right in the middle of the head, never bothered me. I warned him about the pain, he was prepared, he started crying of pain and hitting a tree (poor beautiful tree) yet, the pain went away in like 5 minutes. Snorting carefully a drop of water helps. We haven't been eating for like 5 hours, in like 5 more minutes,

T (0:5) I was hit right in the head by a colourful fractalated psychedelic hammer.

T (0:15) The effects continued going up, following a peak 15 minutes after dosing. Wow, hell yea. Wasn't euphoric at all, yet not anxious, I was just fine, walking around, and inspecting. I felt like a little kid dropped in the newest-brand toy factory, and it felt so awesome being a kid! Felt reborn. I was watching around, loads of alcoholics, they were just broken toys, waiting for their repair. I was just observing, I felt that overwhelming feeling on my mind processing things different, and in a blink of a eye, I realized I was here to have fun, not a spiritual experience, so all my ego went up, upupup.

T (0:45) My ego is at maximum, I am perfectly aware of everything, although the color intensification in awesome. Huge trails everywhere, and I enjoy so much spitting! Hell yea, every spit I do is like a new video-game, I felt like god, giving birth to new worlds only by my spit. It was my soul, but it wasn't ripping it, I accepted giving it to the planet. And then... the music. Oh my god. I stopped spitting, no way I could give up all that energy to create little worlds for bacterias, no way. Some Heads were playing down-tempo, psy trance and a bit of tribal-house on their home brought laptop and a nice system. Synesthesia all the way. Everything was vibrating, and changing colours little by little, dancing to the music.

Time dilatation comes in, yet I love it, more time to dance for me. Actually, time felt soo powerless, it had no meaning, I were in full ego mode, happier than ever, Rivers of fractals and colours were everywhere, and if I stopped dancing, I felt like every single cell of my self would start breathing, and slowly disintegrate and become part of those OEV's. I cosed to become one with the sound, and eventually, the sound becoming one of everything. I was like the internal core of the universe, spreading vibes all across the room dancing and laughing. The phenethylamine bodyload was there, yet, it wasn't that annoying buzz that I feel, like something is plast and not 'right’. I had a little nausea, that sometimes would get high enough, yet I kept myself hydrated with water and mineral drinks. I am also on a daily antioxidant and polivitaminic herbal cure, so my body was in great shape. Temperature fluctuated for a bit, and when it went a bit up, I would have to sit and melt with the chair/bed, sweating a little. But the body-high, that buzz transformed in a overall Ecstasy.

Somewhere around T (1:15) : Although I felt like I was dancing for hours, I wasn't really, and we went to make a huge campfire and dance around, singing folk and things like that. Awesome. A clear night sky, a full moon and lots of stars. My friend was enjoying everything by now, was having fun with the distorsions, fractals, etc. The campfire was amazing to watch. Looking at the logs that took fire, felt like I was watching the big bang itself, millions of particles of lava forming and forming in different rocks and shapes, dancing in the name of the fire that was about to be born. When it lighted, I felt an electric-orgasmic euphoria entering from my feet, and rising up to my crown chakra, filling my entire body with energy, peace and a warm, secure loving feeling. The sparkles that flew in the air transformed in butterflies, who flew to the sky, and then started dancing. First in right over the fire, then all the stars started dancing, and swirling around, the fire was lighting the universe, the multi-coloured snow was moving, the trees as well. And even with all those, My ego was still intact. I started singing around, and felt awesome.

When the fire ended, I noticed my friend had quite a empty look. He vomited a few times too, when he dosed, but that's normal for a first phenethylamine encounter I guess. I asked him “ What's up?” He responded cynically: “Time exists?”…”Do I exist at all?”…. ”Do anything exist?” Considering the reports I've read about this substance, and it's ego-shredding quality, I were very sure his ego was being ripped, as we slowly returned to our room, he didn't even know his name, even so, he became a little frightened, but sad, not aggressive.

T (3:00) Around this time he completely lost it, and it made all my euphoria go away, yet I was very stable, and tried to do my best to help him, without ruining my trip, and avoiding the possibility to have one myself. He kept mumbling thinks like he was or not in a dream, is this reality, and swinged in and out of reality, forgetting and repeating things. Then, in one moment of lucidity, I talked with him about the fact that he had to let go, and go with the flow, but he couldn't, he told me that everything is falling in fractals, and he have to fight them. And he lost it completely, till T (6;00) he was repeating 5-6 sentences, moving around or laying in the room. Music did nothing for him. He thought he was dead, and God let him remain in this world, in an neverending playingroom, and all his fate was to play. He asked me one time “ Dude, are we playing for infinite?”. Didin't scare me, but I let him alone, since T3:00, from 10 to 10 minutes, I or one of my friends would visit him, calm him and talk with him, but he forgot everything. It was getting easyer, since he had the same fears over and over again, and we got the hang of it.

I wasn't exhausted at all, around T (4:00) everyone around was drunk, yet there was one girl in my classroom that was just fine. So I got into a nice conversation, she figured out that I was on something and I was open enough to explain her everything, felt quite a relief actually. We hugged and fooled around, the 'magical' part of the trip was gone, so I played table-tennis with my biology teacher and a few drunks around there, It wasn't so obvious that I was tripping, and I could control myself well. Only from T (0:00) to T (0:45) I felt a nasty amphetamine rush and relentless and my legs would get really lazy, but went away. After my friend got back into reality, we joked around, but he couldn't sleep, so he talked with people around till like morning. I just took a nice glass of red wine and went to bed in some girl's room. For some reason, I couldn't see my friend, cause I was quite frightened that night that if anything bad would have happened it would be my fault.

No afterglow, a few reminiscent trailing and little distortions, like movement in peripheal vision. A little headache, nothing else. During the trip, I had a few moments where I felt a chest tightening, that went away after 5 mins of relaxing, balanced breathing exercises.
During the trip, I had a few moments where I felt a chest tightening, that went away after 5 mins of relaxing, balanced breathing exercises.

Overall, the trip was great, I really enjoyed it way more than 2c-b, 2c-c, because, those seem to have just a certain part of a psychedelic, while 2c-e felt like what a full-blown psychedelic would be like. Also, 2c-b euphoria was quite unnatural, and it was everywhere, on 2c-b, nothing could scare me, I could see someone getting killed in front of me, I was extremely happy anyway, but on 2c-e…no no, this substance just hits me with a jackhammer, and sends me in an ocean of feelings. The euphoria feels soo natural, because I did it, I made myself feel good, and it's divine, better than any stimulant euphoria I've had before.

On the other side, it also has its dark nature. It's very introspective, and has that tendency to ruin my ego, and not in a mystical way, just smash it to pieces, and smash it again, and again, painfully. I realised that this substance has quite a step dosage curve, I think I will give a try sometime to oral like 20mg? and then just bump it up with 1-2mg snorted doses. I've enjoyed it, and I am very confident now to try other real psychedelics, like lsd, psilocybin, dmt, salvia and maybe mescaline, if I manage to get my hands on some cactus. Also, I might get intrested in research chemicals, too, synthetic phenetylamine and tryptamine, but just not yet, maybe when I'll ding 18, 19 years old. Till then, I'll go slow but steady on drugs, giving up on my weed and stimulant habits.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88830
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 20, 2020Views: 738
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2C-E (137) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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