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Like I'm Watching a Movie of Myself
Citation:   Arche De Katze. "Like I'm Watching a Movie of Myself: An Experience with Dreaming (exp88876)". Nov 18, 2017.

I have only ever had 3rd person dreams, where it seems like I'm watching a movie of myself with no control over what happens. It's perfectly natural to me but whenever I bring it up to somebody they see it as strange and confusing.

After the dream I had last night, I believe it may have passed into a new realm of strange far beyond my standards. I don't remember the entirety of the plot, only the segment where my mind was ripped apart, so I'll start from where I remember.

I had ended up on an island with three or four of my friends and my husband (this may be a good time to tell you that I do not dream in color, just so that people don't think I'm leaving out details). There was a pier that led about ten feet out where the clear water dropped to very deep levels. The waters were dangerous and more than once I had seen shark fins but everyone still thought it was a good idea to dive in and see the reef. They all dived in but my husband did not come up.

I knew I had to save him so I jumped in and hoped for the best. I didn't need to come up for air, like I didn't need to breathe. I saw the reef below me but there were Stingrays everywhere. Thousands of them showed up out of no where and surrounded me so close that all I could see or feel was them. The school was so thick I couldn't tell which way was up or down, there was only the stingrays.

Not this is where it gets weird. This entire dream has been in 3rd person, but then the view shifts. I'm watching myself sitting in my room, holding one of those plastic $5 aquariums up to the lighted window and watching MYSELF swimming frantically around in the thick school of stingrays, trying to find my way to the reef which in the reality of the Me holding the aquarium, doesn't even exist.

But I was sure of two things in that split second. The reef did AND did not exist. I was just as sure of one thing as I was the exact opposite. When I realized what I was thinking, I was overcome with fear and woke up but haven't been able to shake that dream.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88876
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 18, 2017Views: 1,060
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Dreams (85) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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