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Space Ship Ride
Citation:   thedeadwalkk. "Space Ship Ride: An Experience with Ketamine (exp88896)". Erowid.org. Feb 25, 2018. erowid.org/exp/88896

3 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  2 bumps insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Ketamine Space Ship

Some background information
Setting at time of experience: Playground at a local park
Mindset before trip: Excited, Nervous
Mindset during trip: Scared, Excited,
Mindset after trip: Scared, Emotionally drained
Drug Experience: Acid, MDMA, Mushrooms, Weed, Cocaine, Heroin, Oxycontin, Morphine, Methamphetamine, Nitrous Oxide, DXM, Ketamine.
Age: 16
Sex: Male
----------------------------------------------TRIP REPORT-------------------------------------------------
I just turned 16, and I finished selling the rest of the ectasy I had bought a few weeks earlier. I had a total of $500 and decided to have one hell of a celebration. I had just moved to a new school three weeks earlier and had some of the best friends in my life. They were into ketamine at the time, and encouraged me to try it but I refused. What changed my mind was going to my councellor. He had a wall of cards about different drugs and I noticed ketamine on one of them . I read the effects, and asked my councellor about them and was very intrigued. After my appointment I called my buddy who we will call J how much I could get for $120 from his connect. He said 2 grams and I told him I would meet him by a school near my house with my other friends. I met up with J, G, and A and we went to go to the meeting spot. It took us an hour to reach the meeting spot and we spent the whole bus ride talking about ketamine and their experiences with it. My ADHD was making me over excited about trying it and in my mind I was able to sit still. We got to the meeting spot a little after dark and picked up the k. My buddy bought a glass straw from the dealer to snort it and we went to go to a park. I looked at the bag and saw a white, powdery but a bit crystally substance. I wanted to snort it right there and then, but I decided to wait.

We got to the park and sat on the playground, and I handed G the bag to do the bumps. The bumps we were taking were fairly large, I'd say a 5 sack in each bump. After taking three bumps each G handed me the bag and we sat there waiting for it to kick in. After 5 minutes I told them I didnt feel anything, and I pulled the bag out to take a bump. G said 'Woah man, I wouldnt take another bump if I were you, your going to be fucked up'. I told him I knew my body and that I would be fine (big mistake). He laughed and I did another two bumps that were about the same size as before, if not a little smaller. A said that we should go on the swings, because its fun on K. We agreed and I was the first to get up. I walked no more then 10 feet and fell to the ground. My hearing was overloaded by a very loud buzzing sound and all I could hear my J saying 'Oh man, hes going to K hole, we should see if hes okay'.

This is where it started to get fun. My vision went completely blank, and then a gray liquid appeared in the center of my vision. The liquid began to change colour, and acted like FerroFluid changing colours, into the shape of the earth. When it completed its shape I could see the earth, and all its colours. I felt my self turn and my vision shifted and I was shocked. I turned to the left, and my vision shifted again. I leaned forward, and the earth began to zoom in, until I could see me, J,G, A in a circle, my friends surrounding me. I looked at myself, but discovered it was just a colourless blob in the shape of a person. I stayed there calling out to my friends with no response from them.

I got bored of what I was seeing and turn around, and left the earth. I was in outer-space. I could see the stars, the moon, mars, all the planets of our solar system. I leaned forward again and I could see stars flying by me at an even faster and faster pace. Everything slowed down and I felt something pulling me from behind. My eyes opened and I could see my friends. 'Oh f**k man, what the f**k is happening... I think I'm going to die...'. My eyes closed again, and I could see everything I did that day flashing before my eyes. I saw my parents and my grandma at home eating dinner, and my dog walking around my house. My vision went black again and my eyes opened. My friend G told me to make a cup with my hands. I did as he said, and he placed his hands over mine and moved them around for a bit. I felt my hands buzz with electricity, and a blue ball appeared in my hand that was sparking with electricity, which would spark to my hand. My hands began to rumble, and I uncupped my hands, and the ball of energy dissapeared. After this point, I dont really remember what I saw, but all I remember is travelling the universe, and visiting other galaxies that my dad has showed me through his telescope. The rest of the day this happened, I swore to my self that I would never do ketamine again, I thought I was going to die. But when I awoke the next day, I thought about what had happened, and I was amazed. I've never had that amazing, and mind-boggling trip on any drug I've ever done.

After Effects: I found this experience to be a mind opening one. Every since then I have believed in a higher state of being, and people outside our own planet. My first time doing Ketamine, has turned me into a long time ketamine user, and abuser. I have always sought to acheive this experience again, but have failed to achieve the same state I was in, no matter how many times I have K-holed. I believe that I was lead through the universe by something else during the experience. Although I was able to control how fast I did things, I felt I was being guided through what I saw. Any interesting thing about this experience I would like to add is what my friend G told me when I saw him the next day. We talked about what happened and he said that I must've been fucked up. Throughout the trip I kept on repeating. 'There here, look at it...guys! Look at it! There real!'. We discussed at length what I might have been talking about but my memory is completely wiped about what I saw when I said that.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88896
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 1,323
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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