Nothing Is True Nothing Is Permitted
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
by 6025
Citation:   6025. "Nothing Is True Nothing Is Permitted: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp88908)". Jan 5, 2018.

100 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I'm a somehow experienced psychedelics and Salvia user. Since 3 years, my Salvia experiments (3 times /year +/-) have become similar. I'm smoking extract in a tobacco pipe with a torch lighter. I cant stand bongs anymore, they hurt my lungs and stink.

Maybe because I dont inhale as deeply with a pipe as I would do with a bong, I rarely totally go into the 'Salviaspace' anymore. I remain more or less conscious of the existence of an alternate reality (our daily reality, which I feel is a fake one, no need of Salvia to experience this feeling). What happens is that reality 'opens' : for every dimension of our world (length, depth...) something similar exists in the 'Salvia world' , perpendicular to our dimensions. Our world and the Salvia one coexist in the same space, organized in different ways.

The Salvia world is different every time, but with a lot of similarities. I think that it is in fact the same but, as our senses cannot fully render it, it takes strange hallucinatory forms.
The Salvia world is different every time, but with a lot of similarities. I think that it is in fact the same but, as our senses cannot fully render it, it takes strange hallucinatory forms.
What happens now is that creatures in the Salvia space, humans, cartoon characters or anything else, are aware that something is wrong : I go into their world by possessing someone who exists there. I even wonder if some people there are specially prone to being possessed by transdimensional travelers and feel this like some kind of illness or at least something that makes life uncomfortable and possibly dangerous. So, when I go to their world, co-workers or relatives of the person I'm possessing are more or less worried about their friend being possessed by an entity, or having again this mental condition.

Usually, I'm not totally in the Salvia world, remaining vaguely conscious that I'm not from there. Also, I come back to consensual 'reality' rather quickly as my brain asks me questions like a paramedic would do : 'where are we? when are we? what's your name?', which makes me go back faster.

I'm very angry when coming back. People in the Salvia space seem nice and they sincerely care about their friends, well sometimes, they joke about what's happening, they're no angels, but real people, with a life which makes sense. Their world is real, although it might seem strange perceived through our senses. Our world is fake and makes no sense. It's a trap. I dont know why I must come back here. It feels like a punishment. The Salvia world isnt some enchanted place where everybody is happy, but it seems a lot more rational than ours. I'm more and more convinced that the Salvia world is the real one that Salvia allows us to reach temporarily and our daily world is a bad dream. Everything is a memory function : fake memories make us believe that there's a continuity, but nothing is proven, we're forced to believe what memory tells us, and memory is programmed and manipulated (even if we take the daily reality for true and buy all the 'common sense' bullshit without questioning anything).
There's a possibility that the Salvia world isnt true either and is also built by false memories.
How can anyone know ?

Anyway, a long time before having tried hallucinogenic drugs or any other drug, I was convinced that the world was stolen from me by the bad and not-functional programming my parents, school and all the other shit did implement in me. So maybe Salvia just shows me how things would have been if had received a proper programming instead of something unproductive, uneffective and constant-suffering/exhaustion inducing.

This world is the worst of all. I always knew it. So maybe it's all those feelings and the rational perception of how unlogical things are in the world of humans that lead me to apprehend the Salvia world this way. But : reality cannot be known, it's not me who says that but a bunch of recognized philosophers. So any choice about the nature of reality is arbitrary.

I didnt want this report to turn this way, I wanted it short and informative. But as I'm speaking about realities and what's happening with Salvia, I'm overwhelmed by anger. Just like when I smoke Salvia and realize that I always come back to this fake world which I can't help to feel was designed to oppress me ! And I'm angry since before my birth, if I believe what my mother told me about my behaviour as a foetus.

I've got nothing to do here. I've never had. Tried everything to feel part of it, nothing worked, all always was a transparent and unlogical attempt to manipulate me.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88908
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Jan 5, 2018Views: 869
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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