Buddha-Like Essence Entrancing Me With Song
Citation:   J Tripper. "Buddha-Like Essence Entrancing Me With Song: An Experience with DMT (exp88931)". Erowid.org. Apr 23, 2018. erowid.org/exp/88931

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  125 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I'll write this report in the present tense as it helps me to relive the experience and hopefully does the same for the reader.

The setting for this experience is in my quiet home-alone. My mood is calm and optimistic.

I am using a good sized bong with the DMT crystals sandwiched between layers of marijuana.

After cleaning my room, I am now sitting on my bed with bong in hand taking deep breaths because my heart has begun to beat quickly as the moment draws near. Here we go.

I feather the top of the the herb lightly with the flame and take a hit. After two hits or so I taste that I am beginning to vaporize the crystal.

Objects in my vision begin to vibrate and I feel a strange new feeling taking over my body and mind. I take a third, fourth and fifth toke, one right after the other, slowly exhaling the smoke. At this point I don't feel that I'm even capable of taking another hit so I put the bong down and lay on my bed. Everything is moving, it's like I can hear the blood rushing through my head, the room is morphing and it feels like my mind and body are doing the same.

I decide I need one more big toke to put me over the edge and I grab the bong and torch it as hard as I can. Now I notice that I'm vomiting on the floor, almost certainly from such a big hit of weed. I feel like I'm experiencing this in a very vivid, hi-def way but at the same time, in a completely different way I feel detached like an outside observer.

I go to the bathroom and use mouthwash, then move to the living room and lay on the couch. Objects around the room are all darting around quickly and soon my field of vision becomes a soup of scrambled visual stimuli, impossible to form into any coherent perspective.

A buddha-like presence fills the room giving off a comforting vibe. I feel like he is telling me to stop the racing of my mind and let the DMT trance happen. I focus on this goal but by simply doing so, it seems to reinforce my mind's will to keep one foot firmly planted in reality. It seems that my conscious mind has backed itself into a corner as a last bastion of defense, not willing to be overtaken by this drug at this time.

I begin to hear a beautiful song playing with a catchy, infectious groove and hypnotic melody. There is a dreamy repeating vocal hook that goes ~Let your mind go, just let it flow~. The music is intoxicating, and I feel like I'm being drawn into a wonderful blissful vortex. I feel like I'm about to go to sleep and suddenly, I stop and think about the actual lyrics being sung to me from through the walls. ~Let your mind go, just let if flow~

I bust out into a joyous and roaring laughter. This is not just any hallucinatory music playing in my head, the drug is actually trying to coax me into trance with the lyrics themselves! Incredible! At the time, this seems to be the funniest thing I've ever encountered in my life. Well I guess it was.

At this point, I'm starting to come down and I'm just enjoying the visuals and soothing, wavy feeling that is flowing through me. In a few minutes I'm completely back to normal and feeling great.

I would say the entire trip lasted about 15 minutes. While I don't feel that I completely broke through, this was a great experience that I'll never forget. It truly opened me up to the potential of this drug as well as that of my own mind.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88931
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 23, 2018Views: 927
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DMT (18) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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