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My Evening in Nam
Citation:   Bean9. "My Evening in Nam: An Experience with 2C-I (exp88938)". Jul 30, 2015.

  oral 2C-I
Taking the Dose
It was around 9 o' clock pm, I was with my boyfriend, three guy friends, and some chick one of them was screwing. We took it at her house and left to go buy orange juice. 20 minutes later I felt sick; not the nervous butterflies kind though. I'm a very experienced drug user, and had felt this usually when I was coming down from a drug. We went to this covered barn-like place in the middle of the woods of the side of the highway. A bum's things were there, which started everyone's night off strangely.

Kicking In
First, I started to get a queasy feeling (above), then came the trails. I liked them, but it wasn't worth it yet. We decided to go on walk. I was kind of worried, but being with friends who'd been here before made me say 'fuck it' and keep going.

The Trip
The trails stayed subtle, which was nice, and then everything else started coming on. I felt like I was walking without my feet ever hitting the earth, which in retrospect seems cool but it was kind of annoying. I don't dislike the feeling of losing control, I just always felt like I was going to fall over.

There were helicopters around, due to the close by military base, so we all started to get the feeling we should be sneaky. I never really lost my mental grasp on reality, it was just a little twisted. I can very easily control my paranoia though, so I would recommend AGAINST walking through the woods near a military base for anyone who is at all a pussy. There was wheat-like weeds everywhere, so I kind of felt like I was in Red Dead Redemption. Most of us did. The girl my friend was banging threw up foam, which disgusted me and turned everyone off of the experience for a while. (He is no longer banging her. Figures.)

The Mental Trip
We sat under our sheltered bum house for what seemed like only an hour or so, but it was actually three or four. I felt like I was watching the moon set, because I was, but with the time warp it was really cool. The entire time I felt sick, and like there was glass in my hands- a common feeling for 2ci apparently. I felt like everyone was looking down on me, but ignored it because I knew they weren't. It made me feel like shit about myself, honestly. I couldn't regulate my body temperature, and always felt like I was pissing myself. Which sucked.
I couldn't regulate my body temperature, and always felt like I was pissing myself. Which sucked.
I felt very disconnected from any of my friends, and REGARDLESS of whether or not I had a good or bad trip, the headache the next morning made me want to die.

The visuals
The shittiness of the trip far outweighed the cool visuals, but everything that was small or far away (i.e. leaves, clouds, grass) were morphing into fractal patterns, and instead of faces, everyone just had hollowed out eyes and sharp teeth.
The shittiness of the trip far outweighed the cool visuals, but everything that was small or far away (i.e. leaves, clouds, grass) were morphing into fractal patterns, and instead of faces, everyone just had hollowed out eyes and sharp teeth.
I knew it wasn't real, but I couldn't look at anyone... I felt like if I did I wouldn't ever be able to look at them the same way again. Which may be true so I'm glad I didn't. The strange thing now, is that I saw a red and occasionally a green grid on everything. Which my boyfriend and my best friend- the people I'm closest to in the entire world, all had the same thing. We never talked about it during the trip, and we all talked about it the next morning, but no one else there had anything like that. It was like we were connected somehow, but all really distant. The whole time I just wanted it to stop.

I will never do it again. I got it for free that time, and could get it for free any other time. Completely pure and uncut. But I will never try it again. I only did it to try it, but I would never choose something chemically created to be a hallucinogenic drug over some old school LSD or shrooms. I'm an artist, which is why I thought maybe in retrospect it wouldn't be so bad, but the risk of losing the bond I have with the people I most care about makes it really really really not worth it. In the least bit. No one has I've ever known has preferred it to LSD or Shrooms, there is no reason for its existence.

Happy Tripping

[Reported Dose: '15-20mg']

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88938
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 30, 2015Views: 2,179
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2C-I (172) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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