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Amplified Nothing
Citation:   Hell Melvin. "Amplified Nothing: An Experience with Buprenorphine (exp89031)". Jun 5, 2019.

  insufflated Pharms - Buprenorphine (ground / crushed)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
As i was bent over looking at my textbook with several small lines of a fine white powder, I was expecting something...different. While I knew subutex was a strong opiate like Heroin, so it was going to be something completely different from my previous and much more numerous experiences with lsd, mushrooms, marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, and aderol, its affects were still something I had not anticipated. Growing up I had heard so much about opiates being the recreational equivalent of the devil incarnate. My first experience left my wondering what the controversy was about as subutex left me in a profoundly happy mood, supremely content with the world around me.

A few days after my first experience I went into the district to meet up with my friend to chill and take drugs, a normal wednesday night home from break. After lounging around the whole foods for some free samples (there were none) we decide to cut some lines and relax. My friend only wanted a small bump because he'd been binging, but I having worked my ass off in architecture school the past semester decided I had earned a fat line. I proceeded to pulverize the pill using my credit card by sawing down an edge of the drug. Knowing how strong the substance was I knew even as much as a quarter of the pill was going to get me high as fuck. Because the drug took a while to kick in from snorting it we decided to walk around, smoke cigarettes and talk about whatever came to mind.

Like most of me and my friend's conversations we ended up talking about drugs and our shared history with them. Both of us watch Intervention and agreed that taking drugs to cover up for some emotional tragedy usually ends in despair, addiction, poverty and an hour slot on A&E. But then we asked why we do drugs. We clearly saw ourselves as different from the down and out addicts stereotyped as typical drug users but we have no real reason to do drugs, especially hard drugs. By now the subs had hit me and I was feeling elated, not from anything satisfying that I had accomplished, or any good news to reach my ears, but for no reason. Subutex and other strong opiates have this muting effect to me. Everything else is shut out and I'm in this pleasant waking dream.
Everything else is shut out and I'm in this pleasant waking dream.
The drug drowns out all negative feelings and experiences in a warm bath of nothingness, pulling at my skin and creeping into every facet of my being. I can see why those 'down and out' people find quitting so difficult because this drug is really a cure for depression in an extremely concealable form.

Feeling good we buy a nerf football from the cvs around the corner and play catch in the dark DC park on a surprisingly warm winter night. The metro ride back to Alexandria was strange as I kept on slipping into these waking dreams where my normally busy conscious was blissfully content to create any fanciful dreamscape, an imaginative wonderland that reminded me of my childhood of long car rides where I would often escape into worlds built by my own imagination. After coming home I played guitar, chatted with ex girlfriend and still felt extremely high. Overall, I love this drug and everything like it, however I know that I must give myself at least two days before I use it again, because I can see how habit forming not having a care in the world can be.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89031
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 5, 2019Views: 1,055
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : General (1), Various (28)

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