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Alone For My First Try Turned Out Well
Citation:   John . "Alone For My First Try Turned Out Well: An Experience with LSD (exp89051)". Erowid.org. Jan 25, 2018. erowid.org/exp/89051

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
For a while, my friends and I have been looking for acid. I finally got One hit of acid on a blotter tab. It was only one hit so I could not do it with my friend. I didn't know when I was going to take it, but on a school night on November 15, 2010, I decided to take it. I was going to be in my room, tripping alone, with my parents directly upstairs above me sleeping. I was warned that this could affect my trip in a negative way. Surprisingly, it didn't.

I took the hit at exactly 9:00PM. At 9:30, I was feeling a slight body sensation but I thought I was just a placebo effect. I thought the acid was never going to kick in so I just layed in bed watching TV.

At exactly 10:00PM, I got up to see if I was feeling anything. I felt a VERY pleasant body sensation. I felt relaxed but also kind of heavy. Not long after, my trip really starting kicking in. I'm not sure what came first, but I remember I started to feel my mind get empty and clear, and my vision started changing, only slightly. I started to forget things, for example, I was texting my friend about my trip and when I had a perfect description of it, I forgot it within the first words of my text. I felt like I was in a different reality. I knew I was in my room, but it just seemed different.

A movie came on later. As I was watching the movie, I felt like I could feel the emotions that the people in the movie were feeling. The movie also made me feel a little euphoria.

After the movie, I decided to listen to some music. The music effected me in a VERY good way. The music sounded so beautiful, It made my body feel very pleasant. It also made my mind feel pleasant. I probably listened to music for half an hour to an hour.

After a while I decided to explore my room. There was a checkerboard carpet on my floor. I got down and looked at it. The carpet had so much detail into it. I could see all the interlacing threads, if I starred at it the patterns just kept going and going. As I felt the carpet with my hands, it felt like my hands were melting into the carpet. I then looked at my blinds that had a weird pattern on them. The patterns seemed to glow in a way and it looked pretty cool. After starring at my blinds for a while, they started to move. They were kind of opening and closing by themselves then growing thicker and thinner in a strange way. I took a look at my dog laying in my bed. The blanket started to sort of morph around her like she was something special. That's when I realized something. I realized that my dog is very beautiful and a great part of nature. I started to think about humans, and how we are definitely not part of nature, that we are actually made by something different.. Humans are very evil things- I thought. I also thought that there has to be someone or something 'watching' us in a way, Not as a higher power, But in a different reality or dimension.

After that time of thinking and exploring, the rest of my trip was just listening to music and being on the computer. Around 5AM, I hear my mom get up, but I wasn't scared. At 6AM she left, then I got up and got ready for school. I hadn't slept at all. As I stepped outside, I felt SUPER refreshed. It felt like taking my first breath. The air seemed so clear, the world seemed so beautiful. And I was ready to become a new person. I was happy that I was going to see my friends today.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89051
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 25, 2018Views: 1,302
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LSD (2) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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