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The First Time, A Fine Time
AMT & Cannabis
Citation:   The Doc. "The First Time, A Fine Time: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp8907)". Feb 21, 2002.

T+ 0:00
45 mg oral AMT (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 11:00 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
About two months ago I had my first experience with a drug known as AMT. I had been strictly a pot smoker and lsd tripper up until that point. A friend of mine recommended me and a friend of mine, whom we'll refer to as C, try some of this drug which he had obtained a good amount of. We purchased two gelcaps containing exactly 45 mg of AMT. We took these at about 7:00 P.M. on a Friday night.

8:00 P.M.
Me and C went to eat at TGIFridays. We were feeling sped up and really good at this point. C was having no difficulty driving so I had no problem riding. Everything was good.

9:00 P.M.
We decide, after eating, to ride to the local bookstore and see what was up. We smoked a joint on the way to the bookstore so we were both in 'high' spirits and feeling generally good. The sense of euphoria heightened up until we left the bookstore at 11:00 P.M.

12:00 A.M.
At this point me and C decide to go back to our friend who had sold us the AMT's house. After smoking another joint with him, we all sat down and began talking. This is when the hallucinations began. Walls breathing, photos moving, colors around, but unlike acid, I was in control of it all. These visuals lasted the two hours we were there, up and down peaks, like a roller coaster of trip. This was going to be fun.

2:30 A.M.
I was a tad uneasy about letting C drive on this but he said he had it and he's my best friend so I trusted him. The ride was intense with lots of sensory 'treats'. We both almost freaked out completely though when a cop pulled us over to check C's license and insurance but it was handled well and that was that. NOTE: Even though C can drive quite well on AMT, I would not personally recommend it, my reasons will be saved for another report. After a short ride we arrived at our friend, B's, house.

3:15 A.M.
Damn, B's not at home. But we did catch some wicked visuals off the tree in his yard and his house. This ride was on the way and worth the 45 minutes of 'eye candy' we got from his house and tree.

4:30 A.M.
We arrive back at C's house, still dazed and confused. He turns on his blacklight, puts on some Floyd, and we proceed to 'trip-out'.
Melting walls, talking posters, audio hallucinations, all the treats with none of the mindscrew of LSD. We tripped out until daylight and then went outside.

6:00 A.M.
Still getting mild visuals, trees appear to be blowing in the wind but really aren't. We smoke another joint and enjoy the outdoors. At one point I was on a low point and C was on a peak, it was funny because he thought the trees were moving and I could see that they really won't. Static vision is there, all the treats.

9:00 A.M.
We both start to come down and decide to catch some T.V. It was great because, even though we weren't getting visuals anymore, everything on the tube was funny as hell. Anything, infomercials, cartoons, commercials, all funny. It was great.

12:00 P.M.
After a nice night of tripping, we decide to take a ride. The AMT effect is gone but there's a nice feeling of experiencing something that great for a while afterwards.

The first trip was excellent. I would recommend this drug to anyone but I would suggest that you do some studying and ask people about their experiences with it first. Use a reasonable dosage your first time and have fun. Take notes, record yourself, examine music and literature. This drug was really a mind opening experience for me.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8907
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2002Views: 9,003
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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