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Entertainment While Sleeping
Citation:   Alco302. "Entertainment While Sleeping: An Experience with Kava (exp8912)". Erowid.org. May 12, 2004. erowid.org/exp/8912

4 capsls oral Kava (ground / crushed)
I have been using Kava for about a year. This experience took place about 5 days ago when I used Kava to get my self asleep one night. I was in bed at about 11:30 pm when I swallowed the 4 capsules (with 70% kava-lactones each); after they were down I laid back and waited for them to kick in. After watching TV for around a half an hour I felt the effects coming on. That’s when I turned the TV off, rolled over and fell asleep in a matter of seconds, around 12:00 am.

When I awoke the next day around 1:00 pm I was quite rested and thinking to my self that I haven’t slept like that in a long time. But that all faded when the memories of the dream that I had that night came to light. That dream, was probably the single most mind-blowing experience I have ever had. As far as I can recall the dream lasted from the moment I fell asleep to the point of awakening. The thing that was weird about the dream was that I was totally immersed into it. I could control my actions and was quite coherent in the dream. It felt like a movie where I was the star, with the point of view of a camera following me around. The dream was complete with each of the 5 senses and it was more detailed than any other dream I have ever had. I even felt emotions and pain in the dream. It’s hard to put words to this experience so please excuse the bland details.

Over all, the experience didn't change my life but provided me with some entertainment while I was sleeping. I have had very in-depth dreams before but none as far in as this was. I was in a very clear and levelheaded mind set when I took the pills, and the experience was set in one of my more favorite places, my bed. I swear by Kava, I feel it’s a safe and effective way to relax at the end of a long day and then eventually fade off into a deep, peaceful sleep.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8912
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 12, 2004Views: 18,420
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Kava (30), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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