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Whats Happening to Me
Citation:   Adrenaline Junkie. "Whats Happening to Me: An Experience with DMT (exp89193)". Mar 5, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked DMT  
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I was sitting around my mates house a few nights ago smoking a few bongs. I'd smoked perhaps 2 grams of weed that day and was a daily smoker. My friend mentioned that he had some DMT, one of the few drugs I hadn't tried yet. I always think of myself as being experienced with drugs and as having the right mind set. I'd previously taken Salvia, Shrooms and LSD plenty of times and never hallucinated. The other affects were always there but I was in control of what I was doing to the point where I can drive a car.

None of this could prepare me fore DMT though, I'm not exactly sure how much I had but it was mixed in a cone with cannibas. Seconds later everything was moving and I remember seeing lots of blue and yellow colours. I have green colourblindness so I'm not sure if the flashing colours experience is affected. As soon as I exhaled the smoke I handed the bong to my friend and sat on the couch, not moving or talking for 7-8 minutes. I don't remember much from this time other than the colours, I remember seeing everything as it was. Like the bench and fridge were crazy colours, but I wasn't seeing anything that wasn't actually there.

After this I threw up, all over the couch. I was peaking hard and din't know what was going on. I'm not even sure at this point if I remember I was tripping. I remember staring into the toilet, trying to figure out what it was. I had seen it before. I then thought I was going to die for a short period. But I didn't really know what death was, I didn't understand anything.

After I left the bathroom, another 7-8 minutes later I had sobered a little and calmed myself down. I walked back to where the couch was and tried looking for my cup. The colours wre still crazy and it was near impossible to find it. Eventually I did and drank some water. After that happened I was extremely cold. I never remember being so cold. So I sat down in a blanket and watched the colours and movement until the effects wore off.

I don't remember hearing much throughout the trip. I remember my mate saying 'Come this way' after I threw up and 'You can have a shower' when I was in the bathroom. I'm not sure if he was talking to me during the trip but if he was it would have been like talking to nothing. I only said whoa a few times during the whole trip.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89193
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Mar 5, 2018Views: 858
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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