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Does What It's Suppose to Do
Citation:   Cynic. "Does What It's Suppose to Do: An Experience with Tapentadol (exp89300)". Jan 11, 2016.

T+ 0:00
250 mg oral Tapentadol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 2:15 200 mg oral Tapentadol (pill / tablet)
Slow day, nothing to do, found some Nycanta/Tapentadol, will test recreational value.

(Have experience in opiates - percocets, Lortabs, oxycontin, vicodin. Also non-opioid pain killers (such as tramadol, darvocets). Not addicted to any, nor took them for long periods of time. Just a bunch of times, on and off. In high and low dosages.
Have not had any opioid in 3-4 months.
I am not taking any other drugs at the time of this report.
Will be smoking cigarettes.
Will re-dose after 2 hours

This is my first experience with nucynta.
Empty Stomach, in my apartment, no one else is here.

-1:30pm - Chewed 5, 50mg nucynta 250mg, a bit bitter, they are very small size, about the size of a 20mg OC.

-1:40pm - Starting to come up, it feels similar to coming up on oxycodone, not as quick, I feel little waves of euphoria, the good feeling is starting in my stomach, moving to my arms, then through my hands.

-1:45pm - I am starting to feel the waves go down in my thighs, calves, legs.

1:48pm - Acting a bit quicker then I thought, I feel the waves reaching my feet now, the bottom of my feet feel like they are heating up a bit. No considerable amount of euphoria.

1:55pm - My vision seems more sensitive. My computer screen is brighter.

2:00pm - Getting Dry mouth. Not extreme, less then you get with pot. Will sip a soda.

2:05pm - The euphoria is starting to get stronger, equal to about 10mg of oxycodone, a bit dizzy now, in my peripheral vision, I can see streamers/trails, when looking left to right.

2:15pm - My legs are starting to get wobbly/weak feeling. Getting up I'm slightly off balance. Going
To smoke a cigarette.

2:30pm - Cigarette added to the lightheaded feeling and dizziness. My face feels warmer. Hands
Feel more sensitive, I am experiencing drowsiness now. Feel like standing up.
The drowsiness feeling is about the same as taking a .5mg xanax,
I feel euphoria now, music sounds relaxing, not as strong of a euphoria you get
From oxycodone. Getting considerably harder to type.

2:45pm - Was feeling some nausea coming up on this,
Ate a piece of bread, walked around, and it went away.
My thinking is still clear, motor functions a little slow, no great feeling of euphoria, but it
Is there.

3:00pm - I think it has fully kicked in. I have tinnitus (ringing in ears) the ringing is a tad louder.
Had some back pain before I took the nucynta, (from my shitty bed)
Would have rated my back pain on a scale of 1-10 about a 4, my back pain is totally gone.

3:15pm- I have a numbness feeling in my mouth, hands, legs, feet.
The numbness over-rides the feeling of euphoria. I feel relaxed laying on the bed
The numbness over-rides the feeling of euphoria. I feel relaxed laying on the bed
Don't really feel like getting up and talking to anyone.
If someone came in my apt. To talk I would not mind it though. Dry mouth still

3:30pm - The dizziness/drowsiness has greatly weakened. Feels like I'm peaking,
The numbness is great. Listening to some talk radio.
My typing abilities have came back. No strong euphoria. Euphoria is still there, but
No where near what I would get on 40-60mg of oxycodone.
Smoked a second cigarette, it no longer adds to the dizziness so much
As it adds to that tingly, numb feeling.

3:45pm - (RE-DOSING) this time not chewing them, taking 4, 50 mg Nucynta (200mg)
Bringing the total to 450mg Nucynta

3:50pm - Ate one more piece of bread, it seems to help stop the nausea when coming up.
On my second soda. Dry mouth almost unnoticeable now.

4:10pm - Coming up now on the re-dose, I love the come up at first on this drug,
It is waves of euphoria that start in the middle of your stomach,
Goes through the rest of your body, hits your brain.

4:30pm - Numbness feeling throughout body, low-mild euphoria. Music is relaxing,
I'm in my armchair now playing angry birds game I'm very content with it.

4:45pm - Watching T.V for a bit, I feel like the T.V is more hypnotically keeping me glued to it.
More then usual. I do not think it would be safe to drive,
Even though I don't feel really fucked up, my motor skills are slower then when I was sober.
It would be about like drinking 3-6 beers worth of motor skill slowing.

5:00pm - Dry mouth coming back, this time with a few slices of bed on my stomach,
I have no nausea at all.

5:15pm - Although sex drive is down, I did this for science/experimentation.
I did an erection test, not a real hard stiffy, took a long time to orgasm.
Orgasm felt just a notch better then having one sober.
Would get soft quick if not kept stimulated. Do not recommend taking this if your
Looking forward to having sex during duration on nucynta.

5:30pm - Same numb feeling and slight euphoria. Back to listening to talk radio, also I'm on the net.
Slight dizziness, but I am typing just fine. By not chewing the nucynta,
I had almost non-noticeable side effects (dizziness, drowsiness, nausea)

6:00pm - Time seems to be zipping by, seems like it has been 5 minutes since I took my initial

6:30pm - Feels like I'm coming down now, the numbness is slowly tapering off, Visual distortion
Is getting less and less. The euphoria which was only mild to start with also is dwindling
Down. My back still is pain free.

7:30pm - Have a nice afterglow, not a hard come down, back still
Feels good. Euphoria has worn off
Completely. Slight numb feeling still in my hands
And legs.

Please note: I'm a big guy I would not suggest taking as much as I have on a first time. I would recommend eating something small with it to reduce nausea.
This stuff is not oxycodone, I am a bit disappointed.
This stuff is not oxycodone, I am a bit disappointed.

I felt good, no pain in the body, nucynta does what it says it does as far as my mild back pain was gone. For recreational value, I would much rather have percocets or vicodins ect.

The euphoria was just not there. It did uplift my mood. I would say this felt like a VERY VERY high dose of tramadol. It is like tramadol on steroids. If I had to pick between 50mg of Oxycodone or 450mg of nucynta I would pick the oxycodone any day.

I can not believe it is a schedule II. Low to mild at best euphoria. Cigarettes seemed to intensify the numb feeling I get. It is very nice for relaxing on.

It was fun, time seemed to fly by on it, which was/is really nice, especially if your bored.
If you have mild pain it does work to relieve it. If your looking for a good opioid high this is not for you.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89300
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 11, 2016Views: 23,869
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