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5 Hours of Rapid Dreaming
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   Charlie the champ. "5 Hours of Rapid Dreaming: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp89323)". May 7, 2021.

T+ 0:00
30 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (dried)
  T+ 1:15   oral Ginger (tea)
This is my trip report of me using 30 grams of peruvian torch. I will be writing during and after the trip is happening. I will give a little bit of background first:

I am a 22 Year old male, working full time, and attending school part time, bodybuilding too, so I don't have much time for myself anymore. I thought this would be a good thing since I have tripped before on HBWR and mescaline, but mostly only mild trips. I have done amanitas once, and salvia a dozen times. The only drug I have ever been scared of is Salvia, the intensity and sheer weirdness of the trips is overwhelming. I think mescaline is a beautiful thing. Well in this time in my life, leaving one girl that turned into a bitch, and starting to get onto a new one, I thought I'd be stable enough to try this. I am home alone with my mom the only one home, and in bed, and my sister coming to visit, but she's out for the night, stuck at her friends because of the big snow storm.

Although I would have loved to do upwards of 50 grams tonight, I'm playing it safe at 30 grams. I had acquired 114 grams of dried Trichocereus Peruvianus from an online vendor for about 70$. I weighed out close to 30 grams and set it aside in a dish. I started eating the 'chips' just like I would a regular chip, but quickly found out the bitterness is overwhelming. Especially when it hits the back of my tongue. I think there are chemicals in there that make you want to gag as a natural reflex. I ate 2-3 hours prior which probably could have been a mistake.

12:00 am: I weigh out the chips and try eating a few. Quickly found out the amount I have will take too long to finish this way. Even trying to turn off my taste sense leaves my body still trying to keep it out of me.

12:30 am: I powder the 30 grams of chips in the blender and add it to a glass with OJ. I chug it down.. Very much easier! Plus the vit C will help potentiate the trip.

12:55 am: I am now writing this, and feel the slight buzz as I know it is there and I'm coming up, but which is mostly placebo effect I would guess.

1:00 am: I go downstairs for a minute and notice my tactile senses are going awry. My balance feels off kilter and I feel more open to touch. Feels like a come up of MDMA? Things just start to seem weird. Almost like a HBWR begining of a trip. I feel slightly dizzy.

1:15 am: I think I am starting to panic. I just have this sense of uneasiness which comes and goes. The come up is fast and I am surprised, I think I am starting to see tracers and think I might go puke to keep more from being absorbed into my body. But I always think like that and end up ruining a trip. My vision seems very focused almost like tunnel vision and my stomach discomfort is starting. I am making a ginger tea to ward of the incoming pain I will be expecting.

1:30 am: gross bloating sensation in my stomach that is yucky. I am feeling more grounded but the energy makes me not know where to put myself. I will settle down after in my room with dim lights and watch an inspiring movie perhaps. I am begining to feel one with the music. It just flows through me. Thought I also saw bubbles in my vision awhile ago. I feel cold. At one point my hand looked huge?

1:40 am: nausea coming and going. I think I might not be able to hold this all in. But definately starting to trip now. Getting a little bit of gas. My body feels tired now and just wants to lay down, but my mind is starting to go completely crazy! Lol As I have noticed with previous trips, the secret to warding off nausea is to not think about it!

2:00 am: trip definately starts to kick in. I decide to take a shower since I havnt had one all day and it is definately starting to get hard to keep my bearings straight. Music from pink floyd is amazing.

2:30 am: I'm all settled in and all is good :) got my candle and dog with me. Headphones on to watch a movie. Then he barks, and the phone rings. My sister is here in the storm! She wants us to unlock the door, and my mother gets up to let her in. What a crazy girl! This sends me off kilter, the dog runs in with her. I start to feel alone. My sister has always given me a bad vibe when it comes to psychedelics because her pride is too big for her head. We argue alot. So I think: 'well my trip is going from bad to worse I may as well abort'. So I go downstairs to puke and POWER puke did I ever. I could feel my stomach pushing out every last drop of this plant in me. Stomach spasms are not fun. But now that I've puked I feel no more sickness in me. But I feel alone and as small as a tack. Very so not like my EGO. I am very upset now and feel like crying. I will go back to the movie and hope it makes me feel better. (The Animatrix always has some nice effects/lessons to learn from the script) a personal fave on psychedelics.

12:30 pm: Well, I am just getting up now, I might even go back to sleep for a few hours. I have a big headache and am groggy but feeling well spiritually for sure. I feel very hot. After I threw up my cactus last night, I thought the trip was dying down. I felt like it had stopped the trip. But that was not the case. I had hours of wrapped up in my blanket listening to music. Very good music for cactus journeys. I can't explain what happened in my mind but I was not in my room anymore. I was almost in a dream state, in and out of sleep/trance states. I had put on Pinnacle of coil. Very nice flowing music made ESPECIALLY for cactus states. I saw everything flowing, geometrical patterns, shifting into more complex patterns, blotches of abstract art/shapes, morphing constantly into different more simple/complex shapes. It was completely amazing to watch and art show like this. Every sound/ping of the music set of a chain of very rapidly flowing abstract beauty. The shapes were almost alive, like they had some type of biotic factor to them, growing and each shape showing me another path/ way to eternal oneness.

There was a part where a song came on and talking about powerful waves, electrical impulses from the earth, and how the earth does now talk with words, but simply with impulses, time and vibes. I could almost understand the earth perfectly in this sense, it was VERY powerful and vivid. How the earth is there to give us life, but we are constantly stealing it away. Nobody likes to take time to connect back with the earth, to feed off and share the strength it has to give. It is there for us and has so much to give us, like a mother wanting to nourish her baby. A lot of theories/concepts made sense in my mind, like I say, it completely opened my mind and blew it away. While I was under my blankets, I could not figure out what position I was in, just how the vibe from the music and what it was teaching me. I thought that hours without very much water after harshly powerpuking left me drained of liquid, but I was powerless to get up and get some more. I just rode it out since it was like the guiding father taking me into hishand and showing me my path. Showing me what was right and wrong. Something I really needed at this point. Since I dont really have a father and my mother is sedated on pills alot. There was one very profound visual that encompassed me. It was sort of a cloud that was an abstract vision of an eagle, with its power and glory and freeness surrounded by ever shifting time and shapes. This is the one visual that stayed in my head.

Overall I would say that this was my most profound experience on cactus. There are some negative factors involved (nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of balance, but that is all physical traits). Positive factors involve feeling renewed, seeing my path once again, very healing and guiding plant. It has taught me time and patience again where in the real busy world I forgot existed. Not very OEV but very trippy nonetheless. It was hard to recognize where things are and end and the size of things looked out of proportion. Just to say when I was throwing up I almost felt like the toilet bowl was swallowing me up. Things were shifting, but not until the closing of the eyes and music did it bring out the true beauty and teaching of the plant. I think it is more introverted and self teaching. Something to take and meditate on. Not sharp at all but very flowy and revealing.

I would definately think of doing this again under the right circumstances..

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89323
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 7, 2021Views: 468
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : General (1), Alone (16)

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