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The Other Side of the Coin
Piracetam, 2C-I & Mind Machine
Citation:   Krystal Drops. "The Other Side of the Coin: An Experience with Piracetam, 2C-I & Mind Machine (exp89324)". Erowid.org. Oct 25, 2022. erowid.org/exp/89324

1.6 g oral Piracetam (daily)
  40 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
This is my first trip report I've written up, so I guess I should list my experiences. I've been smoking weed for a little under two years, and in that time I've taken a wide variety of psychoactives including a few benzos, ADHD meds, opiates, deliriants, dissociatives, and more, but my favorites by far are the psychedelics. At the time of this writing, I've had a good deal of experience with MDMA and MDA, psilocybin mushrooms, DOI, LSD, and 2C-I, and moderate experience with 2C-B, DMT, DOB, and 4-AcO-DMT. All of my trips aside from DMT have been from dosing orally; this was my first experience with insufflating a psychedelic. I've also been taking daily doses of piracetam for the last few weeks.

I tried to keep my expectations as limited as possible to allow the trip to carry me on its own, I wasn't quite sure what the difference between snorting 2C-I and taking it orally would be but I was sure it could be pretty overwhelming. My past experiences with 2C-I had been at a good range of doses, starting around 5 mg and peaking at 90 mg. I found the trip to be massively speed-like with a complex visual base but without the ability to 'deepen' as much as other psychedelics, probably due to the mindset. In the way of mind-bending capacity, I would liken it to an intense euphoric delirium. I had guessed that snorting the chemical would result in a similar experience but with an even heavier stimulation, but what I got was much more than I could have asked for.

I had been hanging out with a friend for most of the night and got home from dropping him off at around 12:15 AM, at which time I prepared to take my dose. I was actually intending to try two 40 mg doses, spaced out by fifteen to thirty minutes after I gauged the intensity of the experience, but the drip from the first was enough to discourage me from that. I took my line at 12:30 and went to the bathroom in case I became nauseous, I had had a small meal a few hours before and I wanted to make sure I'd be prepared if it was going to come back up. The burn was becoming pretty intense, and I gagged a few times but nothing ever actually happened, and eventually the feeling faded away. I first noticed visuals when I was looking at myself in the mirror, the surface of my skin and objects around me were beginning to ripple and warp around. I headed to my bedroom to lie down because I could already tell it was going to be a heavy one.

The body load was increasing fast and I was starting to get a little anxious from it, lately my body hasn't been able to take that feeling of heavy stimulation as much as it used to, signalling that I probably need a good tolerance break. I couldn't smoke weed because I had just started filling out job applications, but at this point I decided that taking a few resin hits from my bong wouldn't hurt. The anxiety and remaining nausea passed quickly and I settled into a heavily psychedelic state of mind. I always tell my friends, for convenience of explaining the experience, that 2C-I is kind of like a mix of acid and speed (I save the 'acid and ecstasy' label for 2C-B). My first thought as this point was that if I were to say that the oral method was much more on the speedy or mescaline-like side, then insufflation is much more on the acid side. At this point in the trip I would normally have expected to be entering the delirium I mentioned earlier and have the heaviest focus be on the intense body high, but I found myself slowly losing the boundaries of my ego as I dissolved into the music that I had playing from my laptop. The oral experience often plays out in a way where I get it in parts: it starts off as a strong stimulant, then slowly becomes more psychedelic, and then deepens as the high plateaus and eventually fades out. This, continuing with the comparison, was much more acid-like to me in the way that it started off with an anxious come-up and then hit a powerful peak filled with flower patterns, kaleidoscopic synesthesia, and distortions in reality that were increasingly difficult to comprehend.

Unlike what I had previously seen on 2C-I, these visuals and thoughts grew endlessly upon themselves and had me pondering the nature of reality and the course of my life. Several times throughout the trip I lost focus of who I was and melted into the fabric of the universe, and I remember especially well a few times when listening to some of my favorite songs that I was unable to determine whether or not my eyes were open. At some point I pulled out a light and sound machine that my friend has sold me that worked pretty well, and I got lost in a mass of flashing shapes and colors for about ten minutes or so. It's hard to even describe what happened when I had those glasses on, but it was pretty ridiculous.

After a while I started to level off and come down, I'd say in the end I was probably peaking for a good three or four hours, after which I played my GameCube for a bit and then listened to a few more songs before going to bed. I slept for a few hours in a peaceful, dreamless sleep, and normally I'd need more sleep but seeing as how I still had some residual stimulation I felt satisfied.

This experience was much greater than I had hoped for and gave me a new respect for 2C-I, it really is a beautiful compound. I look forward to experiencing it again some time in the future, but I definitely won't be willing to go through that drip very often.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89324
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 25, 2022Views: 395
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Mind Machine Devices (301), Piracetam (95), 2C-I (172) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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