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Just Makes Me Sleep
Citation:   Tracey. "Just Makes Me Sleep: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp89407)". May 5, 2019.

30-100 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine
If I haven't used this for a while, 30-50mg will send me straight to sleep. I have to make sure I have everything to hand (including some munchies) because I just keel over. I find it quite hard to go to sleep quickly, so if I only have a couple of hours in which to sleep, this is ideal.

If I've used it more than a few days in a row, the dosage has to be increased to 50-100mg. I have sometimes used a larger amount, maximum 150mg! If I have been using amphetamines I find that it completely guarantees sleep and don't seem to suffer any sleepiness the next day, even if I've used it to have a couple of hours' sleep. The biggest problem is getting the munchies just before going to sleep.
The biggest problem is getting the munchies just before going to sleep.
This is only a problem because I have woken up covered in chocolate or marmite sandwiches too many times!

My friend has reported some hallucinations once and seemed to be able to fight the sleep for longer than me. However usually agrees that it stimulates appetite and assists speedy sleep.

The only time I felt this drug was a danger was the first time I tried it (completely by accident thinking that it was an iron tablet!) I don't now how the hell I drove and even managed to stay conscious through a dentists appointment. On leaving, the dentist asked me if I was alright. I passed it off as having worked nights. On returning home my boyfriend said he'd never seen me so incoherent however now I know my dosage I can say that I have no problems or side-effects at all.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89407
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: May 5, 2019Views: 1,515
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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