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Just Chillin
Citation:   Raycus. "Just Chillin: An Experience with Kratom (exp89432)". Aug 8, 2018.

3 g oral Kratom (extract)
Background: Lots of experience with drugs of all kinds. Avid week smoker, alcohol, prescriptions of all kinds, mushrooms, acid, 2ci, salvia, dmt, MDMA, cocaine, and Kratom once before. First time took ~7g Kratom capsules, effect was similar to low dose of oxy without the harshness. 

Received 12 grams of Kratom extract ( unknown concentration, review of brand on another site compared it to 15x ) under the brand name 'Experience Kratom Black Label'. 

Setting: Sitting in my room not having anything to do. Good mood. Fairly tired. Full stomach. 

Instructions on package said to just mix with boiling water but the powder was all clumped together and I didn't think it would dissolve well so I decided to just wash it down. Surprisingly, didn't taste very bad at all. I washed pinches of the powder down with just a glass of water

Successfully ate all 3 grams.

Began to feel feeling of warmth and overall good feelings. Don't seem to be noticing any stimulation effects as most people report. Nothing too extreme feeling at all. 

Still just base-line effects. Definitely not placebo though. Feel lighter and my mind is starting to become more clear then before. I attribute this slow come-up to having eaten a big meal about an hour or so beforehand. Wishing I hadn't right about now...

Definitely feeling effects now. Nice euphoric feelings. Pretty subtle though, similar to a strong opium buzz. I'm Couch locked just watching batman. Starting to feel pretty sleepy but considering I woke up at 6am after only 4 hours of sleep that's pretty much expected. Still wish it was stronger though. 

Pretty sure this is the peak of what I'm going to feel tonight. Feelin really good and in a great mood. If anyone was around i would Enjoy having a good conversation with them. Nice warm euphoric feelings, I hope it doesn't end anytime soon.

Effects mostly gone. About to go to sleep soon.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89432
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 8, 2018Views: 1,455
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Kratom (203) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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