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Special Stamen Chop Produces Relaxing Results
Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (Blue Lotus)
by AVH
Citation:   AVH. "Special Stamen Chop Produces Relaxing Results: An Experience with Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (Blue Lotus) (exp89454)". Jul 25, 2016.

  smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (plant material)
I have a lot of friends who smoke cigarettes and they would always want to go out side. While outside, I found my self wanting to smoke something. I never want to smoke cigarettes because of their addictiveness but I find the act of smoking very relaxing, even if the substance is not extremely psychoactive.

The Blue Lotus Stamens as they come are pretty useless for burning. They are long and mostly fresh but do not hold an ember. I learned that one must chop them up finely into .2 cm long shreds. Once cut, the substance could be easily smoked in any device. I have not tried rolling cigarettes, but I would imagine a more rough cut would be appropriate to facilitate sufficient airflow.

I chopped them using a large chef's knife and a large wooden cutting board repeatedly chopping the long strands. I then kept them in a sandwich bag that I would just dip my pipe in.

The stamens at .2cm have a nice chop so they hold the ember very well so I can smoke at my leisure. It takes about 10 minutes for it to reach the bottom of my pipe and once it does it is easy to clean the dry stamen ash out.

The smoke is about medium density similar to cigarette smoke and can be either held in the mouth, or inhaled. It has a unique flavor with a mild burning smell that does not smell like anything but burning hay.

I feel comfortable smoking this because it is not addictive in any fashion. It produces a very mild head change and mild light-headedness that is socially encouraging as well. It is a nice relaxing break that I can enjoy with my friends.
It is a nice relaxing break that I can enjoy with my friends.

I would image these might be a nice tobacco alternative as well for people trying to quit, again, I have no experience, this is just a hypothesis.

Long live Blue Lotus Stamens!

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 25, 2016Views: 8,534
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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