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One Of The Best Feelings Of My Life
Ketamine, LSD & DMT
Citation:   Greatful Dope. "One Of The Best Feelings Of My Life: An Experience with Ketamine, LSD & DMT (exp89534)". Nov 24, 2017.

3 hits   LSD (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Opium  
  9 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  .33 g insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I was at a music festival in Atlanta called The Echo Project which was a three day event of dirty hippies selling their drugs and listening to the music. I had taken LSD plenty of times before this, smoked weed and opium but never done Ketamine and DMT. I met a good friend of mine their who is hooked up with one of the 'families' and bought a vile of really good LSD and a gram of DMT. I wanted to save my acid trip for the last night when the best bands were going to play. I had gotten 6 or 7 viles of acid from the same friend before and were always great, but I wanted to know how much I needed to take so I gave some to another buddy of mine who has taken 'L' plenty, so I gave him one hit and he said it was the best he had ever taken.

Sunday finally came and I was walking around 'shakedown street' and ran across some 'K' which I had never done before, I was curious and bought a gram. It was getting late in the day so me and my friend came back to the camp site to get ready for what we came to see Umphrey's McGee and Phil Lesh and Friends, my friend only wanted one hit because he herd how good it was from my friend I let try it, but I wanted to go all out and took three which I figured wasn't that much I have taken a lot more than that before. So we sat around and smoked some bud t and opium and then started the long walk to the stage, by now it was kicking in hard. I remembered I had that gram of K and a gram of DMT in my stash hat. So me and my friend went to the stage area and tried the DMT for the first time, I have tripped as hard as anyone without loosing my mind for good and when I smoked that DMT on LSD I did not know that it was possible to hallucinate like that. It did not matter if my eyes were open or closed, the only way to describe it was like being shot from a gun down Las Vegas' main strip.

I wanted to save the rest of the DMT for another time to use by itself. So I started drinking heavily which I normally do on LSD so the come down doesn't suck as bad. After about 9 beers which cost me about $75 I remembered I had that K in my hat. I went to the porta-potty and did a key bump of K and definitely felt weird but was not in a K hole like I had herd of. So I went back and did a fat line clo to a 1/3 of the gram and started back to here Phil Lesh jam out. On the walk I realized what they mean by a K hole, I was tripping HARD and the K mixed with it put me in a place I had never been before. I can't describe it but the best I can do is being completely euphoric. LSD and Ketamine is the best feeling I have ever had, even better than shooting Heroin.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 89534
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 24, 2017Views: 1,525
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DMT (18), Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Combinations (3)

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