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Tranquil Introspective Mind Amplifier
Morning Glory
Citation:   Thorstein. "Tranquil Introspective Mind Amplifier: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp89541)". May 28, 2020.

150 - 160 seeds oral Morning Glory
Morning glory highs can be very profound experiences. They are cheap and (ostensibly) legal, here in the USA, and they are certainly fun sometimes, but I treat them with respect. I don't regret the experience I am going to describe; it was not a 'bad trip' but at the same time it was not at all like the euphoric ride through a technicolor paradise you see in cartoon drug trips. It was something even better.

I had taken smaller doses of morning glories before this experience and found them to be pretty fun. It was a bit like how people describe cannabis, which has never had much of an effect on me.

Anyway, whereas I had Heavenly Blue crushed seeds before and mixed them into applesauce, on this occasion I was chewing them up directly to avoid that extra effort. I think I got more alkaloids out of chewing as well. That being said, despite having taken an antiemetic earlier I had a hard time with this and started to feel nausea
despite having taken an antiemetic earlier I had a hard time with this and started to feel nausea
, or something rather like it. This distress started to affect my mood and while I was able to ease my malaise, I stopped dosing at this point and set aside the 80 or so further seeds I planned on taking.

At this time I started to feel intense Dasein, 'being there'. It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. Just a bit overwhelming. I felt sort of confined in my room, and the winter light was too pallid, so I went outside, where I was waiting for someone to pick me up to go to a kind of club meeting. I saw the clouds. They were pretty terrific. They seemed to be moving unusually fast and I have to wonder how I was perceiving the time. Sometimes I'd look at my music player (listening to Deep Forest - 'Guarana' in a loop, ha) and more time passed on the clock than I thought did, and yet at other times very little time had passed when I thought more had. Some windows were lit up in a vertical row on a nearby building and they seemed unearthly green, as if the portals of some alien spacecraft.

Eventually the guy shows up (he's always late by like fifteen minutes, lol) and of course he knows I'm high because I've been high around him before. I was aware of just how spaced out I sounded. Eventually we get to this café and the first thing I have to do is take a piss. The LSA in the morning glory seeds was causing major vasoconstriction, like I hadn't felt before, and it was as though my piss was bottled up inside me. (Incidentally, I also noticed that it felt like all the blood in my body was pushed into my head and trunk, up out of my legs and arms, as if wearing a pressurised suit for space flight. I understand what people mean when they say they move mechanically on the influence of these kinds of drugs, because my limbs felt wooden.) So I go up to the bathroom and I think someone's in there. I open the door a crack and think someone's in there; I think I hear a voice saying 'wait a minute' eventually I figure out, no one's in there; just some idiot left the light on. And the feeling that the door was being pushed shut by the occupant was just the spring pushing it closed. (I had to piss twice that evening and on the second time I looked at myself in the mirror and while I was staring into my blown pupils I saw my face begin to puddle. But by this time I was too withdrawn and relaxed to freak out.)

So anyway, I sit down and one of my other good acquaintances is there before the other people show up. The way I'm acting and everything sort of implies that I'm high and, in a self-conscious way, I take out this shiny toothpaste box and wave it around, staring at it. The guy is like: 'You make me laugh. You really do.' I had a very benevolent smile just then.

I don't remember all of the events of the evening. Most of them aren't very important. I remember the most salient events. At one point, I thought: 'What the hell music are they playing here?' and realized shortly thereafter that I was having a vivid auditory hallucination. (Being very tired at the time may have contributed to this effect.) Realizing this did not disturb me at all. I was, in fact, mildly amused.

The key to enjoying these unusual experiences, for me, is my atheism and skepticism. I know that they are the product of a temporarily sensitive neocortex. That's all. I know that the doses of alkaloids I am taking, that subtle blend of alkaloids in the morning glory, are far, far away from the lethal dose. Much safer than with alcohol in fact. I know that even if I were to develop HPPD, this too would most likely pass in a few months. Set and setting still matter but I have been able to dispel anxiety quickly with this knowledge. So I just figure, I ought to appreciate the experience for what it is. There's a sort of 'mantra' I have, taken from the book / film 2010: Dave Bowman or, rather, a ghostly posthuman form of him, tells people he knew that 'something wonderful' is about to happen. And I think, with all the planets being found in the Universe, some habitable, that somewhere, 'something wonderful' really is about to happen. Not just in the life of one individual but in an entire society. An entire society lifted up all together. Even if this is clearly not happening on Earth I can still appreciate this idea.

Anyway, I noticed a few other perceptual tricks that evening. I saw a guy's face heavily distorted, as if part of it were under a magnifying glass. The clatter of dishes in the back became percussion in some crappy song I was hearing at the time. I closed my eyes when 'Heartbeats' by the Knife was playing, because it was one of the only good songs they played there during those few hours, to see if I could get any cool CEVs. There were none but five seconds of the song simply disappeared as if the CD had skipped. Incredibly, I had tuned out the outside world entirely.

I wasn't really talkative at all that night. I didn't feel like bantering and trolling, which is what people know me for. For the most part I just let the surrounding environment flow into me. I was soaking it up. For the most part, I was like a great eye with no mouth in sight. I am pretty introspective as such but this experience was something else. I was entertaining all kinds of deep and sometimes disquieting thoughts and it took some effort to pay attention to what anyone else was saying.

As I was coming down I felt very benevolent, a lot more than I usually do, which is not much I guess. My one friend and I went to a diner and talked for a while. I think the points I made were a lot more insightful than usual and in any case he dropped me off at my place of residence a few hours later. Had a bit of trouble going to sleep because I don't like to go to bed hallucinating but this passed of course. I slept quite well in fact.

And in summary I can say that my exposure to the morning glory, brief as it has been, has already had a substantial impact on my life. I have already more or less given up alcohol. I just don't see the point in it anymore. It is pointless and destructive, a very toxic chemical. Whereas my behavior when drunk is silly and embarrassing after the fact, I am very composed and dignified when tripping on morning glories. And alcohol, rather than bringing me insight, brings me hangovers.

I look forward to stronger and deeper experiences with the great morning glory seed in the future and am eagerly anticipating viewing 2001: A Space Odyssey under the influence of 250 to 300 seeds when the weather improves in the coming weeks. I feel that morning glory and other psychedelics (mainly botanical) will, by and by, become an integral part of my being for as long as I live.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89541
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 28, 2020Views: 496
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Various (28)

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