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Newly Appreciative Better Than Whiskey
Kava (extract)
Citation:   Experiencer. "Newly Appreciative Better Than Whiskey: An Experience with Kava (extract) (exp89714)". May 24, 2020.

80 drops oral Kava (extract)
Before today, I believed I was one of the people it just wasn't going to work on.

About 6 months ago, my friend from out of town told me that I might enjoy kava, and he sent me some extract that he had created himself. He called it 'kava gum', it was black, disgusting, and extremely strong tasting. It numbed my mouth immediately and tasted so strong, how could it not work? I went through the 10 grams he sent me without ever really feeling much of anything except for a bit of a stomachache.

Last week, on a whim while buying other herbs from a reputable organic nursery, I noticed that they made their own liquid extract at a 1:2 ratio and sold it for very cheap, so I decided to try it. I honestly didn't expect anything to happen, as it was the weakest strength offered, and I had heard that you really need the actual root to get good effects. I took 80 drops right away.

The kava hit me almost right away. At first, I thought it must have been a placebo, because this extract didn't taste nearly as strong as the 'gum', and my mouth only numbed a minimal amount. But, as time went on it became unbelievably relaxing, and I even felt a little bit drunk. After about 30 minutes, I sorta freaked out that maybe I had taken too much! I started looking online for experiences with too much kava. It was a comfort that most people say too much just puts them to sleep.

I went straight for my couch, put on a show, and started to really feel very at peace and relaxed. In fact, being a daily drinker of whiskey, I was surprised that from taking this extract I had absolutely no desire to imbibe any alcohol whatsoever
I was surprised that from taking this extract I had absolutely no desire to imbibe any alcohol whatsoever
, I was way past wherever whiskey would have taken me. Definitely wouldn't want to drive on this stuff.

They say kava is bad for your liver, but I know for a fact that whiskey is bad for your liver. For me, I will use kava, if for nothing else to just be satisfied without having to go out for alcohol... but I will use it selectively. Probably only in the evenings. This root could be my saving grace, and lead me away from my borderline alcoholism. And I wasn't even trying not to drink tonight.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: May 24, 2020Views: 920
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Kava (30) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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