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My Mattress Was A Bed Of Light
Ketamine & MDMA
Citation:   Mark E. "My Mattress Was A Bed Of Light: An Experience with Ketamine & MDMA (exp89755)". Dec 9, 2017.

  oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  4 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Okay I'll just cut to the chase. I met a girl on the net, we texted for a while and arranged a meet up. She came over to mine and I met her off the train station. When we got back to my house we sat out in my summerhouse/drinking den and she told me she had bought a few E's and a gram of ketamine.

We decided to pop a few pills with our beers then do the ket later.

After getting on very well and getting all touchy feely we decided it was time to call it a night in the den and head upstairs and try out the ket. We split the gram in half, then in half again and made 4 lines out of it. We snorted and laid on the bed with the lamp on low listening to some triply music.

Trip began:
We were talking normally for maybe 3 or 4 minutes then all of a sudden we both experienced an overwhelming joyous feeling and happiness which we both found hard to control. I instantly began hugging her and she was hugging me back, we were both squeezing so tightly and I told her I wish we could be one person instead of having the barriers of muscle mass and bones in our way.

I felt overly excited and began talking loudly and fast to each other, feelings of light headedness and swirling ceilings kicked in. I looked at the walls and saw faces, but happy faces, we spoke and asked so many different questions, and came up with inventions.

We were hugging saying to each other we were going to get married in the morning and how much we loved each other. I looked down at the white bed shoot and I was laying on one great big huge light which was brightening up the room. A mattress of light, it was sensational.

Then about 20 minutes after the trip had began she said she needed the toilet, so I said I would follow her. It took us what seemed an absolute age to find the strength to get out of bed, and when I did manage to get out I had the amazing idea of taking huge steps to the bathroom as i would get there faster, only it felt like I was on the moon. I felt light, I was taking huge moon steps to a bathroom 3 yards away from me but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Then followed hysterical laughter and some amazing quotes.

The sickness:
We both agreed we could feel the trip coming to a close after what seemed like an age but I really didn't keep track of the timings. I felt sick, very sick but in an alright way. Like I knew I wouldn't be sick, and I knew it was the drug. I could feel the level of intensifying freedom coming to a close.

The mattress wasn't as bright as it was. The pond of lily pads and toads I could see and feel on the ceiling ceased to exist.
Almost at the same time we looked at each other and realised we had both been on a journey together. We felt so close. We laughed again hysterically at how bizarre and amazing the trip we just had was.

To end:
We both felt sick and tired. We were happy but missed the euphoria. We decided to do the rest of the lines and re-visit the madness. So we did. And experienced it all again but this time it was more deep. We had meaningful conversation. It was less trippy and more in touch with our inner beings. We still struggled for a while to find the strength to stand up and make it to the bathroom, when we did get there it was hard to go. When we made it back to our bed, we laid and talked about deep personal problems we had experienced in our lives, then fell asleep.

In the morning we felt most of the side effects were worn off. I managed to make it downstairs and cook up some breakfast, but I noticed by around 10am I had cooked us breakfast gone back downstairs and washed up, and I wasn't even conscious I was doing this until later in the day. I still felt spaced out all afternoon but in a nice relaxed way.

The only thing I would mention about doing ket is be careful and take care the best you can. I woke up with aching legs and bruises all over my arms… I was obviously falling into things on the way to and from the bathroom but didn't feel a damn thing at at the time.

And yes - I would definitely do it again!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89755
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Dec 9, 2017Views: 1,648
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Ketamine (31), MDMA (3) : General (1), Combinations (3), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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