A Beautiful Life-Changing Experience
Citation:   Xanadu. "A Beautiful Life-Changing Experience: An Experience with 2C-E (exp89759)". Erowid.org. Apr 12, 2011. erowid.org/exp/89759

  repeated insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
At my time of writing this, it has been around seven months since I insufflated around 40mg of the mysterious psychedelic, 2C-E. I had been a heavy marijuana user since I was 15. My best friend, whom I’ve known since kindergarten, began experimenting with drugs beyond cannabis a few months before I tried 2C-E with him at his house. I wasn’t particularly afraid of what would happen; I had known him my entire life and trusted his judgment. The original plan was to insufflate one small line each of 2C-E at the dealer’s house, and then walk home (about a ten minute walk). My friend warned me about the burning and unpleasant drip taste from snorting a 2C, but surprisingly, I didn’t experience pain at all in my nose, it was more of an annoyance than anything.

After about ten minutes, the annoyance and drip faded away, and we said goodbye and began walking back. However, my friend (an experienced tripper) said that he wasn’t tripping, and of course, this being my first time, I had no idea what to expect. He asked me a few questions about how I felt, and whether or not I was seeing “patterns”, colors, etc. You know, the usual feelings and effects associated with tripping. We concluded neither of us was tripping, so we went back to the dealer’s house and told him what we were feeling and our thoughts. My friend and the dealer had become close recently, so out of the kindness of his heart (or perhaps because he himself was high on a variety of other things and couldn’t tell what he was doing), he poured out a significantly large amount of 2C-E, worth far more than the mere $20 we had paid originally. He told us to just take it.

My friend broke up the clump into a total of six lines, three for me, three for him. He went first, and I went next. Again, no problems with burning or drip. I’m not saying that this is typical, because it surprised me as well. We left shortly after, and it was on the walk home we both began our journey, so to speak. In retrospect, I’m sure we were just impatient, and the original dose would have been sufficient for a decent trip. However, life being the way it is, we made our own choice and took three more lines, as I just said. Something I should mention is that my friend lived (and still does) pretty far out from what you’d call an urban area. There are about four houses on his street, two of them foreclosed, and the entire area is very open and filled with nature, and it wasn’t until this day that I truly came to appreciate the sheer beauty of it. As we were walking, I was getting excited to see just what a psychedelic experience was like. My friend told me to stop walking for a moment and look around. I found it somewhat difficult to actually stop walking, but when I did, it hit me.

I stared at the grass. It was an absolutely pristine day, with a picturesque clear blue sky and no wind, not even the slightest breeze. However, the grass was swaying. I asked him if he felt any wind, and he said no. I chuckled, and then asked if he saw that grass swaying as well. He laughed and said “Yeah, man,” This was my first memory of tripping. I began to feel a strange aura around my body, a feeling unlike any I had ever felt under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. We decided to sit by a very small dock right on a canal and look around. By the time we were done and walking back home, the sun was just about set (I imagine we were only at that dock for an hour, maybe ninety minutes at most). We finally reached his street, and the image I have of it is burned in my brain.

At the far end of his street was a stop sign. I remember focusing on that stop sign, and realizing that the white letters of “STOP” were moving off of the sign itself, not to mention the stop sign was no longer red. The paved road was bending and swaying vividly, with diamond-like patterns comprised of millions of colors, all changing with every breath I took. The sky had the same type of effect happening. Every time I exhaled, the black sky would slowly change from black to purple to green to yellow, you get the picture. I felt a sense of inner connectedness with everything around me, a true feeling of peace I had never experienced before. Fear did not exist in this world. The trees seemed to understand my feelings, as they all swayed in perfect unison and beauty. When I actually stared straight up at the sky, the stars seemed to multiply into the hundreds. They were whipping across the sky like shooting stars, and the sky was warping as if I was looking through a fish-eye lens.

Getting back to my friend’s house was somewhat of a relief, but we decided to go in his pool. While you might think that sounds like an absolutely horrible idea, there was never a point in my trip where I wasn’t 100% aware of what I was doing. I never lost my bearings, never thought I was going to the surface when I was actually sinking, or anything else that sounds like the stuff of nightmares. We decided to smoke a couple of bowls of cannabis (which made the visual effects of my trip much, much stronger). We both got in the pool, and it was the most angelic experience I’ve ever felt. It no longer felt like water, on the contrary, it felt as if I was the water. I felt incredibly buoyant and was able to float on my back with complete ease. The water, like the roads and the sky before it, was littered with other-worldly patterns. Every ripple in the water was amplified with the utmost clarity, and my friend and I talked about everything we could possibly talk about for (what seemed like, but I’m fairly certain my perception of time was thrown out the window, haha) hours.

It was at this point in my trip, for whatever reason, that I realized how easily I could fix myself and my flaws. I don’t know what prompted this train of thoughts, perhaps it was the absolute peace with myself, my friend, and the universe I felt, but I finally understood the power of my brain. I had been a somewhat short-tempered person in my life; while I may have understood things I didn’t agree with, I would have never stood to listen to the explanation if I didn’t like it based on whatever set principles I had at the time. I was also unhappy with my weight. I had been pretty overweight my entire life by a good fifty pounds at least. Instead of having to live with my low self-esteem, I figured out that literally any change I wanted to make to myself, physical or mental, I could. I shouldn’t even have to think about it too heavily, I should just do it (I have now been going to the gym for six months at the time of writing this, and have lost around forty pounds). Weighing all this in my mind, I told my friend we should get out of the pool and go inside. We went inside, smoked another bowl or two, and then just hung out in his room and continued to talk about life, ourselves, where we were going, and what we wanted to do.

The funniest part of the trip, for whatever reason, was when we decided to turn on the TV, and by chance an episode of Family Guy was on. It was the episode where that guy in the wheelchair is no longer crippled and beats the shit out of the rest of the characters as they try to break his legs again. Now, I’m normally not a fan of Family Guy, but for some reason in our altered states of mind, it was the funniest thing we had ever seen. Perhaps it was just the humor of the timing; what are the odds of turning on the TV when under the influence of a psychedelic and seeing a guy in a wheelchair destroying everyone around him? Whatever the reason, we were belly laughing for a good ten minutes.

After that, I decided to go lay down and reflected on everything I had been seeing for the past seven hours or so. I felt totally at ease, with a newfound confidence and self-esteem that hasn’t left me to this day. I slowly drifted off into sleep (complete with amazing closed-eye visuals and some vivid dreams), and awoke as a new person, completely transformed by this wonderful chemical. I haven’t done it since, and I can’t say I have a particular desire to do 2C-E again, considering that it’s still a new chemical and may not entirely be safe. I do want to trip again, perhaps on mushrooms or LSD.

Tripping changed my life in ways that nothing else possibly could have. I had never had such a spiritual experience in my life, and I don’t think I’ll ever have such an awakening again. It was beautiful, and I wish everyone could unlock the amazing potentials of psychedelics.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89759
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Apr 12, 2011Views: 12,538
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2C-E (137) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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