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Suprising and Amazing Experience
Citation:   Painis. "Suprising and Amazing Experience: An Experience with Kratom (exp89807)". Jan 18, 2014.

4 g oral Kratom (extract)
Prior to tonight’s dose of Kratom I’ve tried all kinds of different opiates from Codeine to Heroin. I also have many years of experience with stimulants and benzodiazepines along with psychedelics. The Kratom was taken on an empty stomach. I also used Dextromethorphan last night but since using the effects have worn off, so the Kratom was not taken on an afterglow.

7:30 – 75mg of DPH taken to help with any sort of nausea, weighed out 4 grams of premium enhanced Bali Kratom powder. Put 1 gram in a piece of toilet paper and wrapped it as a parachute, ending up with 4 rolls, 1 gram per roll.

8:10 – All 4 rolls taken, wasn’t the greatest experience but certainly not the worst.

8:30 – What I’m feeling right now could be placebo but the distinct feeling of being relaxed has seemed to wash over my body, music sounds great, time seems to be going by somewhat slower.

8:35 – Just went into bathroom to urinate, pupils seem to be somewhat constricted and my penis is showing some signs of “stim-dick.”

8:41 – I’m definitely feeling something, I feel slowed and really relaxed, my mood is very chill. I feel like nothing could bother me right now. I’m spacing out and finding my thoughts to drift to other places quite easily, typing is slowed and distinct feeling of warmth washing over entire body.

8:46 – There’s been no signs of nausea or anything like that, my stomach feels normal but somewhat rumbling but I contribute that to the fact that I haven’t ate all day.

9:00 – Got up again to urinate, checked pupils and they’ve now become constricted to about the same size they do when I take Oxycodone.

9:12 – it’s now been 1 hr and 2 minutes since I dosed; I’m feeling very relaxed and very happy. I have no signs of nausea still. I’m in quite a good mood overall and my body is feeling slightly heavy, just like it does when I take a dose of Hydrocodone.

9:16 – I’ve now gotten the same exact itch I get when I take any kind of opiate. I feel amazing at this point and I’m a big fan of “opi-itch” so this is quite a pleasant surprise.

9:28 – This whole experience feels just like 15mg Oxycodone or 20-25mg of Hydrocodone. It’s not something to be amazed with but it’s got its own feel to it. I’m quite enjoying it and so far there’s been no sign of any negative effects.

9:35 – Something strange is happening, I’m starting to get the feeling of an oncoming nod. It’s very slight but it’s definitely there. “Opi-itch” hasn’t faded at all and itching myself feels amazing, music also sounds very relaxing as I’m listening to Pink Floyd.

9:45 – I just drifted off into a nod and it was quite nice, I came out of it surprised once again that it was possible from this substance. So far this experience has been amazing and just keeps surprising me over and over.

9:55 – I got up to use the bathroom and found it to be occupied, that frustrated me quite a bit than it should have. This is a normal sign of “opi-rage” which I also get when I dose other opiates. Still no kind of nausea at all, I don’t know if that’s just my stomach or if the DPH I took before dosing the Kratom is taking effect to prevent it.

10:02 – I just got up to urinate again and while I was in the bathroom I checked my pupils and now found them to be about the size of a pinhead. My body’s temperature has risen quite a bit and I am now sweating the same way I do when I take other opiates as well.

10:16 – The effects seem to be coming and going just like when I dose Hydrocodone. “Opi-rage” seems to be flaring up more and more at little things, it’s not really a negative but it could end up causing a problem for some. At the same time I find my mindset to very relaxed and rational, I also feel the ego boost that comes with opiates, that is another nice touch.

10:45 – My stomach has now become somewhat bloated but I contribute that to the soda that I am drinking. I’ve still got “opi-itch” and I’m feeling about the same as I did 30 minutes ago, it seems to be staying stable at this level of effects.

11:00 – Nothing’s changed that much, nothing new to report. Euphoria coming in waves all over my body, I’m pleasantly drifting in and out of enjoyable nods.

11:33 – I’ve noticed a slight decline in effects, let me clarify. The effects of the Kratom come and go or so it feels and at the moment they’ve decreased.

12:14 – Effects seem to have really decreased, I can still feel them but it’s not nearly as strong as it was a few hours ago. Now I realize why in most of the trip reports I’ve read on Kratom that people end up redosing.

12:45 – I just noticed that my nose and face have become somewhat numb; it was an odd surprise but nothing that out of the ordinary. I’m still slightly nodding in and out but nothing too extreme.

I’m going to end my report here; it’s now 12:55PM, almost 5 hours since I dosed the Kratom. This whole experience has been amazing and very surprising.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89807
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jan 18, 2014Views: 9,665
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