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The Face of Creation Divine Whispers
Citation:   green beanz. "The Face of Creation Divine Whispers: An Experience with DMT (exp89827)". Apr 23, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  50 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
So..this experience of which I am about to tell you is my second encounter with DMT, which proved to be very different and much more powerful than the first trip, seeing as how my first trip was only a 30mg dose.

I am a mildly experienced psychedelic user with several acid and shroom trips, im also an avid pot smoker. We came across the DMT from a friend of a friend who makes it himself-being quite a science buff.

On my first trip I indulged in the lovely tunes of RATATAT’s mumtaz khan and several other songs from LP3, but for this trip I was going harder: Oblivian by Mastodon then mellowing things out with Montanita by RATATAT.

With the pipe fully loaded with 50mg of pure white dmt and a bit of bud to mask the taste I began to indulge. After four hits I had pipe down~*~*~*I closed my eyes and blasted off into a crazy dancing vibalicious wormhole of insane color and emotion, I grooved for several minutes to the song (though hardly recognizing it in an earthly way at all seeing as how I was entering a new plane). Somehow I felt I was able to take another hit after five minutes or so and now is when the magic really starts.

After taking the last hit while still tripping, I closed my eyes again as the bouncing rhythms of Montanita began to take over. The gold streaks and shining colors that broke through my brain when I closed my eyes were almost too bright for me to keep them closed, but I wanted to, it felt amazing and looked unbelievable.

THEN IN HAPPENED: I saw the most beautiful face of a woman in front of me, she looked almost not human but more like an angel, all the while her face and head wear morphing. I remember at one point she had 3 or four feathers standing straight up around the crown of her head. The color scheme quickly switching to light blue and spring green creating the most heavenly tone. I began to question: “Is this my version of Chief Broom?” (who was said to have came to ken kesey in a mescaline trip). But then the face morphed again into a genderless entity of beauty and perfection and I felt the face of God. The face was definitely human, but looked like no human I could ever imagine. It was so supremely perfect but still there was no gender. In its face I could feel and see all of creation morphing toward the center of it. I asked it something the lines of “will I be here again?” and it assured me that I would. I felt an amazing sense of eternal relief. I asked it again: “can I come here through astral projection?” (which I had been experimenting with) and it assure me I would. As the universe continued to morph in triangular shards spiraling into the center of the face I began to find myself traveling through another wormhole if you will.

At was all coming down, I opened my eyes slowly not knowing if I had said anything or how long it had taken, but with a feeling like glowing after acid. I was shocked and my brain had been blown, it was one of the most powerful psychedelic experiences I’ve had and ill never forget it. DMT can make me truly feel that which I cannot even believe in afterwards, it’s a very powerful drug, but whether or not it is something more than just that is for every person to decide for themselves.
Peace out!

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89827
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 23, 2018Views: 766
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DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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