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Consciousness is Reason
Citation:   KingPavement1127. "Consciousness is Reason: An Experience with Cannabis (exp89833)". Mar 11, 2018.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis
Okay, so I've been reading a lot of these trip reports lately and figured I’d finally submit one. I’ve experienced LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin, Salvinorin A, Mescaline, and various 2C compounds, but tonight it was humble THC that compelled me to recount my experience.

First, a little backstory: the weed in question was Holland’s Hope, acquired from a very reputable dealer and personal friend of mine. I got it around 10 o’clock, and by 11 I was back at my pad with a decently-sized joint of it. I opened a window, turned on a fan, and put the classic Television album “Marquee Moon” on my stereo.

T+0.00 I light up the joint, smoking the first half and being sure to hold in each puff. Orange Zig-Zags burn nice and slow, just like it says on the wrapper.

T+0.10 The song now playing is “Friction”. Freaking awesome, I hadn’t listened to Television in quite awhile. Noticeable first effects; this stuff is worth what I paid for it. After zoning out to Television for a little while, I return to the joint.

T+0.13 I finish the second half of the joint just as Tom Verlaine’s guitar solo in “Marquee Moon” is starting. I’m a music nerd, and I’ve always loved Television, but this time the solo was an ascent into heaven. As the notes kept climbing higher, I felt exhilarated in the extreme, practically ecstatic. Then the wave broke and I was floating on a sea of fluffy pillows.

T+0.17 I’m definitely rekindling my love affair with this album, so I decide to turn the lights off and the lava lamp on. The poor thing’s been going for a few days; I’ve been too tired to turn it off. Anyway, the patterns in the lava lamp are unbelievable, and I can’t get over that they are, in fact, bubbles, operating on similar sets of principles as bubbles of air.

T+0.30 I’ve been staring at the lava lamp for quite a while now, and it’s offered me up some interesting philosophical pondering. First, staring at the bubbles forming in the heat, rapidly climbing to the top, and then cooling down and returning to the main pool of wax reminded me of how people’s identities manifest from the collective unconscious, experience life, and then sink down and return to the mass, only to rise again as part of a new consciousness. This led me to the question, “what is consciousness?” I started by trying to think of consciousness as separate from my idea of “self”, as pure thought. This, I realized, bore many similarities to Zen Buddhism, and its pursuit of no-self. For one brief, shining moment, clutching my head, staring at the lava lamp and repeating the mantra “I don’t exist”, I felt something profound. This had none of the false profundity of other “revelations” I’ve experienced with some psychedelics, and felt like what I imagined enlightenment would feel like (It would be pretty pretentious of me to claim that I’ve achieved enlightenment, but I think I at least glimpsed the concept). Anyway, here’s a sample of what I then frantically typed into my laptop:

Consciousness is reason.
The self does not exist.
The thing that is experiencing “me” (my thoughts, emotions, senses, memories, etc.) is consciousness itself (collective unconsciousness).
Reason is what separates humans from less advanced machines; humans are simply very advanced machines.
This is Enlightenment.
This is Nirvana.

T+1:45 I’ve spent the last hour or so rolling around on the floor in total joy, feeling euphoria and understanding. The music has switched from Television to Tortoise, but I heard very little of the artists in between. I decide to make my experiences public in the best way I know how: casting them into the churning seas of the internet.

T+2:10 Done writing the report, about to submit. Probably gonna make a pizza for one and watch some movies after this; not expecting any more epiphanies.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 11, 2018Views: 755
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