Asleep with Open Eyes
Citation:   Vicious. "Asleep with Open Eyes: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp8984)". May 13, 2004.

350 mg oral Diphenhydramine (gel tab)
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, a chemical compound that I will NEVER forget! It all started in February. I was a first-time ecstasy user, and quickly fell in love with it. I used to smoke cigarettes and drink liquor heavily, until that beautiful little pill met my stomach. I was brought on to ecstasy by a friend of mine, and they say that anyone who offers you drugs is not your friend, but I do thank that person from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to experience such a wonderful feeling. The experience I felt with diphenhydramine hydrochloride was a complete 180 of what I was expecting. It was a Wednesday night when I was first introduced to Diphenhydramine. A friend of mine recommended it to me, to quote on quote 'bring back' my roll from yesterday. Now keep in mind, I still had ecstasy in my system. It's about 10:30p.m. when I decide to drop (7) pills. Coming out of a white lttle Unisom bottle, are 7 little, clear, beautiful blue gelcaps.

11:00 p.m.- I'm back at the studio where I work. I start to feel a funny tickle in my tummy. Sort of like the feeling that one gets when their roll is about to start. (i.e: tingling, clammy hands, muscle relaxation, etc...) 30 Minutes into the drop, I start experiencing visuals. My first visual was that of blood cells (under a microscope) but they were transparent. My next visuals were on the black curtains that are inside our studio. I began to see a transparent (outline) of someone's face chatting away, meanwhile another face appeared within that one. At this point, I am freaking the fuck out! Not even an hour has passed by when I start hearing things. (audio hallucinations if you will) I hear doorbells ringing, car doors slamming, my mom (who keep in mind lives out of town) calling my name.

I would call this experience paranoia, but not REALLY paranoia, more like involuntary schizophrenia. I recommend trying this once. Just to say you've done it. If you enjoy the trip, then you may consider trying this trip not excessively, due to the unknown side-efx this may cause in the long run. But if you're going to trip, trip out in a quiet room, no TV, no radio, nothing. Look at your TV screen (black) and start to visualize things that you thought you'd never imagine.

DJ Vicious

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8984
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 13, 2004Views: 25,820
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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