A Word of Caution
MDMA & Bupropion
Citation:   Persepolis. "A Word of Caution: An Experience with MDMA & Bupropion (exp89888)". Erowid.org. Jan 26, 2022. erowid.org/exp/89888

T+ 0:00
300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
  T+ 24:00 150 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
Last night was one of the most highly anticipated nights of the year at my small liberal arts college. A friend of mine and I wanted the experience to be extra special, so we decided to buy some molly and colloquially 'roll with the flow'. We had both done molly several times before and enjoyed the results immensely. I was, however, a little apprehensive about taking it this time because I was recently prescribed Wellbutrin and wondered whether it would be compatible with E.
I was recently prescribed Wellbutrin and wondered whether it would be compatible with E.
I did some online research and, though I scoured the internet and found some nebulous information about the combination, couldn't find much that fairly examined the effects of taking both MDMA and Wellbutrin simultaneously so I decided to go for it. I guess what tipped the scales was the fact that I couldn't find any bad experiences reported, and I had also read that the roll wouldn't much be affected.

I took the capsule of MDMA at about 11 pm and set out to the dance floor [Wellbutrin taken the day before]. I couldn't tell whether my initial euphoria was due to the collective effervescence of the rowdy party scene or whether the MDMA was starting to kick in. Either way, I had a great time dancing my ass off for a couple hours.

Then, cliche as it sounds, the bad part came. Around 12:50 a.m., I felt extremely nauseous and dizzy. I stumbled my way out of the dance party with my boyfriend and told him I needed to sit down immediately. We walked past hordes of people talking lively and happily, but to me, everyone sounded like their voices were slowed down about 50%, or as if they were calling to each other through a tunnel.

We found a couch to sit on in a relatively quiet place. By this point, my breathing was shallow and irregular, and I couldn't feel my heart beating. I was unsure how serious the situation was. I felt like I was going to die, but I knew that what I had taken wouldn't kill me, so I tried to meditate and calm myself down. Words failed me. My boyfriend dutifully asked what was wrong and tried to get me to talk, but all I could do was close my eyes with my head in my hands. I must have stayed in that position for about half an hour. Whenever I tried to sit upright or stand up, I instantly felt a wave of nausea overcome me. My vision was blurry and I started having closed-eye hallucinations. I lamented the fact that E, 'the love drug' could do exactly the opposite for a person. I experience alternating feelings of absolutely acceptance, confusion, and depression. My boyfriend put on some Jimi Hendrix and Beatles to help mellow me out, and hearing that brought me back to Earth somewhat.

Then, about an hour and a half after the onset, things started to look up. I felt like I was having a proper roll, replete with the desire to tell people how much I loved them and all that jazz, although I felt remarkably ingenuine. When I tried to go to sleep, around 3 in the morning, I had crazy lucid dreams. Every time I closed my eyes, my mind would speed off on some new wavelength, and I would wake up every couple seconds to make sure that I was, in fact, dreaming. I can't remember specifically what I dreamed about, but I know that I dreamed vividly. I'd estimate I actually fell asleep at about 5 in the morning.

As I write this today, I feel like the classic day-after E user. My mind is fuzzy and my motor skills aren't great. Looking back on it now, there were some intensely beautiful moments of that experience. At one point, in the darkest hour, I achieved a level of inner peace through meditation like no other. So, yes, some profound moments emerged from the chaos.

I still don't know whether I can blame my somewhat negative experience on my meds or not, but I don't think it's unreasonable to think that they played some role in the experience.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89888
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 26, 2022Views: 761
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MDMA (3) : Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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