The Room Is Alive and Bursting With Shapes
Citation:   greensnake. "The Room Is Alive and Bursting With Shapes: An Experience with DMT (exp89940)". Dec 30, 2018.

  smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
My DMT Trip

This is a very quickly produced report of my third experience taking DMT. I attempted to write about my exerience as immediately as possible following my trip. As mentioned, this was my third time taking DMT, however I doubled the normal dosage this time. This experience was much more vivid and amazing, absolutely obliterating my ego. I have read about other people experiencing a sort of death and rebirth theme in their trips. I felt as if I had at one point died, suspended in a limbo of time forever. This feeling overtook me and for a moment I truly and completely believed I was to be suspended in a sort of limbo forever. This is my attempt at describing this trip, focusing not on the visual, which was a mindblowing adventure in itself but the feelings as best as I can describe them:

I placed the gravitron bowl on the table and looked forwards. Nothing yet. A few seconds later- with my eyes closed I felt the familiar rush overtake me and transcend me to a whole new place. At first I felt overwhelmed completely and totally powerless. As if I were being sucked through dimensions at an insane backwards speed. Next came very overwhelming fear and unease. I felt my senses attempting to make sense of what was happening. The brain used its tools to try to figure out usual grasps of time and place and any sort of familiar safety. Nothing was found
I felt my senses attempting to make sense of what was happening. The brain used its tools to try to figure out usual grasps of time and place and any sort of familiar safety. Nothing was found
- this lastly only briefly until I felt myself barely grasping the tip of awareness. I stood up and tried to walk to the wall, which I felt as it it sucked me in. Then the cat paradox happened. My cat walked near me and I felt myself completely and utterly stuck in time. I wasn’t moving forwards or backwards. I was stuck. Stuck. Stuck. The same image of a cat exploding with colour and time was doing the same motions over and over. I am pulled backwards again into reality, as I creep into my bedroom I recall seeking it out earlier.. I couldn’t find it, I couldn’t find any familiar place and this caused me great unease. The room is still alive and bursting with shapes, colours, sound and time; as it were to seem. For a moment I feel as if I will be ok but again I am gripped with fear of being stuck forever in this time paradox. I am stuck in a moment of time and I cant get out. It is as it time doesn’t exist and that I am stuck between dimensions. Gripped with fear I again wonder to find something that is familiar. I remember where I must be and I sought the company of craig to calm me down and prove to me I am not truly stuck. The dimension of time slowly starts to normalize itself as I lay in craigs bed breathing heavily. I stand up and return to the living room which is still glitching in time and dimensions. Everything is enhanced as I look around the room. I feel for a fleeting moment that I am in a dead place. No life is here. All have died. The carpet is a million years old and the light emits death and nothingness. Slowly the living room becomes perfectly normal again and I lay on the couch crippled with fascination.

This, was my experience. All of this happened in approximately ten minutes, although time, at one point as I mentioned, ceased to exist. I was very rattled yet gratified for this experience and It has been very enlightening. DMT is by far the most powerful experience I have ever had. I had previously taken mushrooms, salvia, marijuana, cocaine, and enough mdma to cause hallucinations. Nothing even compares to the feelings I had on this trip.

[Author reports smoking a total of 200 mg of mint leaves that were with DMT crystals]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89940
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 30, 2018Views: 1,009
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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