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Productivity Turns To Paranoia
Adderall, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   secondhand. "Productivity Turns To Paranoia: An Experience with Adderall, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp89949)". Jul 9, 2017.

T+ 0:00
20 mg insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 20 mg oral Amphetamines (capsule)
  T+ 11:30 20 mg insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
  T+ 12:00 6 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 13:00 1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 17:00 20 mg oral Amphetamines (capsule)
  T+ 17:15 .7 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I am a freshman at a University in a large city in Colorado and I have been smoking weed heavily for a little over a year. I have been drinking fairly heavily for the past 8 months. The only other drugs I have experimented with are percocet, molly, and psilocybin. This was the first I had ever done adderall, however. I bought 14 extended release pills from a friend that had a prescription because I had a ton of homework that I had to finish and I had heard plenty about adderall helping you to be able to focus. Therefore, I decided that i would give them a try.

I woke up on thursday morning at 8:30 and I was pretty hungover from the night before. I knew that I had to motivate myself to go to english somehow so I decided I would take an adderall. I had taken a 20 milligram pill that was similar to adderall two days before. I can’t remember what it was called at the moment. I didn’t really notice the effects so I decided I would take two of the adderall pills. I took the powder out of the first pill and snorted it and then I waited for about 40 minutes. I wasn’t noticing the effects so I took the second pill orally. Then I headed off to my english class. All we had to do was do an online evaluation for the course. I was the first to finish which was not quite so unusual. Then we were free to leave.

I went back to my dorm and saw a kid who was in my geography class. I had a lab final exam that day and I had not studied yet. I also had thrown all my graded labs away so I asked this kid if I could borrow his labs. He let me borrow them and I looked through them and memorized the important information in about 20 minutes. I finally realized that my mind felt very clear and I was able to stay very focused on a task. In fact, I felt better than I had in a long time. I was much more open than usual with social interaction, especially with people that I don’t normally talk to much. I had a hard time relating to a lot of the kids on my floor because our priorities were very different. However I had a lengthy conversation with them.

I had my geography lab final at 12:00. As I was taking it, I noticed that I was much more focused on my test than usual. I sporadically flipped back and forth through the pages but my concentration never wavered from the test. Generally, I spend the first five minutes or so staring blankly at the test. This time, I was able to get right into it and stay completely focused on it the entire time. After I finished, I started to think that adderall was an amazing drug. And I started to crave a little more. At the time, I didn’t think much of these cravings but I should have realized that I probably should not take any more that day.

I had one more class after my geography lab, during which I continued to feel a heightened sense of focus. After that class, I went back to the dorms and wrote some rap lyrics with a few of my buddies. I continued to fall deeper in love with adderall as it made my mind completely clear and the lyrics flowed much easier and smoother than they usually did. By this time, it was about six hours after I had taken the second pill and I was still feeling the complete effects. I had not started to come down at all. Around 5:30, I went out to dinner with a few friends. However, when we got to the restaurant, I realized I was not hungry at all. I had read a little about adderall and I remembered reading that loss of appetite was one of the effects. I bought myself a burrito and put it in the fridge after we got back to the dorms, assuming that I would be hungry later.

Around 7 o’clock, I went to my buddy’s room because he had a fake id and was making a liquor run. By this time, I could tell that I was not feeling the effects of the adderall nearly as strong as I had been early. I also realized that I had a very strong craving to take more. So when I got back to my room I looked up experiences of adderall combined with alcohol on a reputable website. As I read through the it seemed to me that it would not be bad as long as I kept myself from drinking too much. So around 8 o’clock I snorted another 20 milligrams. Within 20 minutes I was already starting to feel the wonderful effects of the adderall. By then my buddy had gotten back from the liquor store and he dropped my 750 mL Jose Cuervo off at my room. A couple kids from my floor came over to my room and we all started taking shots. I took 6 shots over the course of about an hour. However, I did not notice the effects of the alcohol at all. It was almost as if the adderall was completely counteracting the effects of the alcohol. By this time, the two girls we were hanging out with wanted to go get dinner since they had not gotten any earlier. Me and my buddy (I’ll call him X for the purposes of this story) said we’d walk over with them and see if we could find a party on the way.

We dropped the girls off at the restaurant and then we went to this house party that we had heard about. X and I found the beer pong table and got signed up to play. However there were a ton of games to go before we would have been up and we weren’t really feeling the party. A few minutes after we got there we decided to go back to my room to finish the tequila and hang out with the girls from earlier.

When we got back to my room, my roommate was back from curling practice so X and I took a shot with him. Then, the girls got back from dinner so we took a few more shots. I took three more shots. I still did not feel as drunk as I normally would have and I still felt like the adderall was giving me a completely clear mind. I was talking a lot more than I would have been if I was sober but I felt like I had not lost any coordination at all from the drinking. By this time, X and the girls had gotten tired and went to bed. I was not tired at all yet however. I had heard people talking about staying up all night because of taking some adderall so I wanted to smoke some weed and hope that would put me to sleep. I didn’t have any on me at the time so I texted this guy that I had bought from the night before. He told me he’d be back to the dorms in a little bit. In the meantime I was still wide awake. My roommate was getting ready to head to bed and everyone else on the floor was either already asleep or not coming back for the night.

I took my laptop out to the lounge and wrote some more lyrics. I was still completely clear headed and was able to have complete focus. About an hour passed before the guy I was buying weed from texted me but I was completely unaware about how much time had passed. It was as if I was able to completely isolate myself to one task and give it my complete attention until it was done. However, when the guy texted me and told me he was back, I went over to his room and bought a 20 sack. Then, I went back to my room and rolled a joint. I had to be quiet though because my roommate was sleeping. Now, generally, when I’m rolling a joint I take my sweet time. However, with the adderall still in my system, I rolled it much faster than I normally would. It was interesting to see how adderall was able to increase my focus and efficiency in just about any sort of task I might have to do.

It was about 3:30 when I finished rolling the joint. I felt completely sober besides the fact that I could not fall asleep. I also knew that I had to be up at 7 o’clock for work. By this time I figured I should just pull an all nighter because it would be easier than getting only three hours of sleep. However, I was worried that the adderall might wear off before then so I figured I could take another one and be set all morning long. This one, however, I did not snort. I took it orally. Then, I decided that since I really had nothing else to do, I might as well go smoke the joint I rolled.

I went out to my car and turned on some music and smoked the joint. This weed was some of the dankest weed that I had smoked in awhile, but because of the adderall, it took me awhile before I realized how high I was. I did not feel the tired, stoned feeling that I get a lot of the time from marijuana but I just felt insanely happy. I sat in my truck and listened to a few more songs and while I was listening I noticed my heart was beating very fast. I checked my pulse but I had no concept of time and was feeling quite paranoid so I probably thought my pulse was a lot faster than it actually was. All I know is that my chest was very sensitive all of a sudden and I thought I could feel my heart trying to break out of my chest. I immediately turned the car off and went back to my room. I made sure to walk slowly because I did not want to do anything that might cause my heart to beat even faster. On the walk back to my room I kept thinking that I might die but I tried to brush those thoughts aside because I needed to stay as calm as possible. I also resolved that when I got back to my room I would throw the last 10 pills of adderall that I had out.

When I got back to my room, I woke my roommate up and told him my heart was beating insanely fast and asked if he would watch me for a little bit. Then I followed through on my promise and flushed the last 10 pills down the toilet. Then, I sat down and after about five minutes I could feel my heart beat slowing down. I told my roommate that I would be in the lounge and he told me to come wake him up if my heart started beating fast again. I decided that the best way to stay calm would be to keep doing something that didn’t require physical effort so I decided to write this experience.

It is now 6:32 and I feel much better than I did. The paranoid feeling is completely gone and my heart is beating at a normal rate. I keep getting cravings for the adderall though. I keep wishing that I would not have flushed the adderall down the toilet. But to be completely honest I’m glad its gone. I’m not gonna buy anymore either. While it was interesting, I did not enjoy my experience with adderall, particularly when my heart started beating so fast. I was seriously freaked out and thought that it was completely possible for me to die tonight. I also remember that throughout the night that I kept commenting that I could understand exactly why it would be easy to get hooked on adderall. I have an addictive personality and don’t want to risk getting addicted to adderall so I’m going to stay away from it. It is definitely not a drug that I would ever use recreationally again. I’ve had to stay completely busy since yesterday when I snorted the first pill and I have not been able to relax at all. From now on, I’m going to stick with just alcohol and marijuana because I’ve done harder drugs before but they don’t have the same appeal anymore. But now I gotta head to work.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89949
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 9, 2017Views: 2,149
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Amphetamines (6), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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