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Oh the Places You'll Go
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   tashii. "Oh the Places You'll Go: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp90221)". Jul 10, 2019.

1 hit oral LSD
    repeated smoked Cannabis
I’m an artistic person, and this past Friday was my Senior Art Show, which had about 12 of my pieces in it. The major question in everyone’s head was “Were you tripping while making these?” The answer was no, sadly. The only drug I had ever done was cannabis (not counting alcohol), and for the longest time, I wanted to try a “real” hallucinogen, such as shrooms or cid. That night I finally tried cid, and I can honestly say it was the best night of my life.

11:37 P.M –
Me and 3 other girls dropped cid in my friend’s kitchen (I had 1 hit, the rest had 2) and the nervousness began to climb. My heart was beating like a straight-up bongo, and I got that anxious feeling like you get when you’re waiting in line for a rollercoaster. After 10 minutes, we decide to go out on the patio to smoke a huge blunt my friend was wrapping. Before I dropped acid, I told myself I wasn’t going to smoke weed, since it would increase the paranoia, but I’m glad I smoked, because it relaxed my nerves and made me feel really chill.

12:00 A.M –
I start feeling another high, similar to the weed high, yet different and more magical. Of course, I knew this was the LSD starting to kick in, and I just sat back in the patio chair and relaxed. My emotions felt so smooth, and my happiness was escalating. I also told myself not to worry, since one other girl was a first-timer as well, and the rest were experienced trippers.

As the minutes progressed, I felt a sense of distortion, and I could definitely tell that objects were starting to feel different. We all started talking, making jokes, laughing at silly things, when suddenly it looked like the world was just cleaned with Windex. Everything became vivid and clear! Either that or it looked like a Claritin commercial, where it just changed from fuzzy to clear. The fuzziness-to-clear experiences came in waves, like it would look clear for about 15 seconds, then it would just go back to normal. Also, everything had a little twinkle to it, like the reflection of the pool, and the streetlight. After about 30 minutes, we decide to go back into the house.

12:30 A.M –
I was the last one to go into the kitchen, and that’s when I reallyyy started to feel the LSD come on. It was pitch black in there, and I started seeing patterns of circles within the darkness. The feeling of being alone started to get me frightened, so I quickly hurried into the living room with all of the other girls. Me being the artistic person that I am, I wanted to start drawing. I started feeling restless, and I couldn’t stop pacing around the house. I just wanted to find a damn piece of paper and a marker!
I just wanted to find a damn piece of paper and a marker!
After about 10 minutes, with paper and markers in all of our possession, and Wall-E being halfway over on the big screen, we sat down and started drawing.

12:55 A.M –
I could feel myself coming up, like I was in a rocket ship hurtling towards the peak. The things I was drawing were so odd and bizarre! They were either amorphous shapes or odd pictures in general. My friend pointed out that I subconsciously drew out the Japanese tsunami (which happened about a week ago) and then everything started making sense. My drawings were starting to freak me out, and my friends freaking out started making me freak out. I knew that this was a bad sign, so I stopped myself, told myself that I needed to take everything that was going to happen on this trip, whether bad or good, and turn it into positivity. I started taking all of my negative drawings, and turning them into ones that made me happy. This made the come-up sooooo much more enjoyable, and before I knew it, I made all these wonderful, trippy ass drawings on this sheet of paper. I finally looked up, and that’s when I noticed I was tripping. Everything that was normally still in real-life was mobile. I held out my hands and looked at them, and they looked like little aliens, with moving fingers. My heart felt like it was on the “Happy Cloud of the Eternal Sky.” Makes no sense, but at that time it did. I looked at my friend to the right of me, and her pupils were solid black, and that made me notice the blacks in my vision. They felt blacker than black. I took this as a positive thing, so I wrote it down on my paper.

1:07 A.M –
We turned our attention to Wall-E, and all I have to say is woah. Watching Wall-E sober and watching Wall-E tripping are 2 TOTALLY different things. It felt like a legit 3-D movie that we were all taking part in, and I could feel the wind rushing out of the tv , and into me. I noticed kaleidoscopic scenes and constants that I normally wouldn’t have noticed. Everything looked so clear and breath-taking! At that point, the world was like cleaned with Windex times 50. The ending was the best part, since the transitions and 3-D effects were at its strongest. Every now and then I would close my eyes, and feel like I would get lost into the images in my brain. I would see rainbows everywhere, and lucid shapes. I could only keep them closed for a certain amount of time, because the images would only get stronger and more dimensional. They were SO much more lucid and different than closed-eye visuals on cannabis.

1:32 A.M –
We decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood, so we got up and left the house. This is the part where I peaked because EVERYTHING felt as if I were in Super Mario World. The sidewalk was amazing to just walk on! I would jump from square to square feeling invincible. I started to feel a deep bond between me and the other girls, like we were different spirits of the Earth. I could start to see things moving out of the peripherals of my vision, and I just accepted them. Each tree felt like an individual, taking their part in the universe. We started interacting with one of the humongous trees in the neighborhood; talking to it, picking flowers from it, and of course, hugging it. The petals started blossoming before my eyes, as if they were stretching towards the sky! At one point, we came across a lawn full of dew, and I thought the lawn was full of constellations straight from the night sky. Another girl said it felt like a reflection, but it DEFINITELY felt more real than “just a reflection.” We continued walking, and everything started to transform into a magical version of Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. I never wanted it to end, and at some points, it DID feel like it was never going to end. We finally got back at her house, and I already was in a rush of giggles.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
2:56 A.M –
After enjoying the visuals around my friend’s house, we decide it would be even better to go on a drive around the town. I know this sounds crazy, but at the time, we kinda just went along with the flow (one of the girls had previously driven on LSD about 5 times, so I didn’t worry much). We smoked another bowl, and I drank a cup full of fruit juice so we could trip even harder.

3:02 A.M –
This is where things were starting to get a little crazy. The lights gleamed like they were sent from outer space, and the lights on the road started to turn into different alien shapes. I was having the time of my life in the backseat, with my whole head outside the window. We were driving over overpasses that felt like a Buzz Lightyear themed ride mixed in with some odd passageway that lead to the sky. The town around us looked incredibly vivid, and each light (car light, streetlight, traffic light) looked like UFO’s. I accepted this, and continued to enjoy myself.

3:07 A.M –
After about 20 minutes, I looked back at the clock. 3:07. Now in my mind I’m going “Wtf, we’ve been driving around town for about half an hour.” I started to feel panicky and a little dizzy. It felt like there wasn’t an ending point to where we were driving, so I asked if we could stop somewhere. They just told me I was freaking out, and to calm down. I tried to keep myself together, but that’s when I started to see the “hallucinations.” I looked out my window, and if I looked at anything for more than 2 seconds, it would start to move. Expand, contract, breathe. Those were the different moving patterns that everything had, and I started feeling extremely disoriented and nauseous. 3:10. The clock would just not move fast at all! I made them start telling funny stories, so I could get my mind off of things, and it worked. My mood started to lift, and I accepted everything that was “moving.” The music that was playing at the time I was freaking out was extremely trippy (some odd acid music with a lot of bass), and that was probably why my mind wandered over to seeing only bad things. We drove up to a red light near my friend’s house, and I could have sworn, that Mario and Donkey Kong were waiting up at the light as well. Everything started to feel as if we were in Mario Kart, and that kind of made me sad that the drive was about to end, but we needed a change of environment. I wasn’t the only one in the car having freak-outs it seemed, so we finally ended up back at the house.

3:58 A.M –
We smoked a nice blunt, and decided to relax back on the couch and put on Lilo & Stitch. Watching this tripping balls made me realize that the background was done in watercolor. Knowing this fact pleased me to the point I felt like the happiest person on Earth, and I enjoyed the visuals tremendously. The “acid world” I was in felt like home, and I never wanted to come down.
The “acid world” I was in felt like home, and I never wanted to come down.

4:23 A.M –
Yet again, we smoked, but out of a huge bong that my friend had, and it made everyone mellow, and full of that “good” feeling. She took out her bunny, and the bunny’s touch felt so amazing. I didn’t want the bunny to go away, and it was also extremelyyy cute. We all knew the trip was beginning to end, and it kind of made us feel like we were starting to lose that bond, so we went back into the living room and put on Inception. We also started eating chocolate, and pieces of Special K cereal (which tasted phenomenal). I always thought you couldn’t eat on acid, and that the food would taste odd and metallic, but actually, combined with the cannabis, the food tasted gourmet. I drank another cup of fruit juice and fell asleep on the couch.

7:08 A.M. –
I woke up, and all I could think about was whether I was right-side up, and where the gravity in this room was. Woah, was I disoriented. It felt like I had trippy dreams as well (I probably did), and I wondered who else was watching me. Turns out everyone else fell asleep, and only 1 other girl was awake. We went outside to watch the sun rise, and to smoke a bowl. We talked about the bond we had all felt last night, and we undoubtedly felt closer. When we went back inside, we both started tripping again (mainly due to the cannabis) and we started walking around inside and outside the house, enjoying the day trip. We both felt one with the sun, and rainbows were appearing everywhere. The crispness came again, and we settled down to watch Inception. It made so much sense, that it felt like it made too much sense. Throughout the day we alternated from smoking, tripping, and sleeping, and it was the best “wake-n-trip” I would probably ever have. We weren’t tripping like on the level we were on that night, but still tripping nonetheless. We all ended up going home that afternoon, and each of us took our own, personal experiences as part of a new journey. We all wanted to trip again sometime, so most likely we will. The bond I got with other people, feels like something straight out of Avatar.

I’m extremely glad that I took the chance and tried LSD, because it was a positive, life-changing experience. I will never look at anything the same way again. My outlook on life is so accepting and grateful, now that I’ve seen the world clearer than I have ever seen it in my whole entire life. The next time I trip, I’m definitely taking 2. I think that’s an adventure in itself.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90221
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 706
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