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Paired the Trip With Classical Music
DMT & Phenelzine
Citation:   Conrad. "Paired the Trip With Classical Music: An Experience with DMT & Phenelzine (exp90265)". Jul 2, 2020.

2 hits smoked DMT  
    oral Pharms - Phenelzine (daily)
First DMT Experience

I most likely took about 15mg, I wanted to be careful not knowing how they would react with the Nardil (I’m unsure that a more intense trip would be a positive experience). I compared the dose to a 10mg pill of Claritin, so I don’t have any real way of knowing. I took one hit and waited a few minutes to feel the effects, I then decided it was safe to take another small hit, which gave me the push I needed to cross into hallucinations.

In the beginning there were intense closed eye visuals, upon opening my eyes the world stayed still, but moved rhythmically if I focused on an area; especially the reflection of the water on the roof. I can’t make sense of the closed eye visuals; I just know they were very intense.

After about 5 minutes of peaking, I felt rather cold so I decided to take a shower. Standing up was a very nice sensation; things moved slowly, I more drifted to the shower than walked. I’m still tripping now, but in a much less intense fashion. The intensity only lasted about 10 minutes. The shower felt like an eternity, but only lasted about 4 or 5 minutes.

While in the shower the world felt backwards. When I opened my eyes I was confused about the placement of the shower head in reference to my place in space. I also was struck with an extreme case of the yawns, and an inability to talk. I tried to speak but my voice felt distant, trying to speak now I find no trouble in it. The rest of the apartment feels in order, but different somehow.

Things are all brighter, and quite clear. The intense open eye visuals have gone, and have been replaced with an overall sense of wellbeing and clarity. I’ve stopped yawning, but I am still clenching my jaw somewhat. I feel at peace; very comfortable. I don’t know if in the days that follow I’ll have a better sense of my experience, but I am happy that I had the trip. It was definitely more intense than snorting it previously.

My wife is scared to try it, and I understand her hesitation, but after today I can’t not stress how great this feels. It may have helped that I paired the trip with classical music. Had I not, the initial introduction to DMT may have been a much less calm experience. I did have to control my breathing in the beginning so as not to become anxious, but this is typical with any hallucinogen.

I haven’t completely come down by this point; it has been about a half an hour since my first hit, 25 minutes since my second (if that). I can’t imagine being high for any more than an hour, but it is left to be seen. I wouldn’t mind the sense of wellbeing lasting longer. I’m still a tad bit cold, but that is easy to manage.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90265
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 2, 2020Views: 901
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