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Noticing the All-to-Familiar Effects
Citation:   T-man. "Noticing the All-to-Familiar Effects: An Experience with Ketobemidone (exp90282)". Aug 10, 2018.

25 mg oral Pharms - Ketobemidone (pill / tablet)
A Schoolday on Ketobemidone

It happened in 2008 during 10th. Grade. I live in Denmark, and as some of you may know, Denmark is the country that prescribes the most Ketobemidone (known as Ketogan here), at least in Scandinavia. It happened roughly 3 years ago, so I may not be able to recall every single detail, but I remember the overall experience quite well. I had bought two 25mg Ketobemidone-pills the day before, one of them I ate the same day, and as a result I only had one pill to get high off the next day in school, but due to my low tolerance at the time, that was more than enough.

Opiates always were my favorites, sadly. Especially my immediate family members think so. My parents, step parents, sister, aunt, uncle, aunt’s son, and quite possibly others know of my still existing heroin addiction. Anyway, I woke up that day, did what I usually do in the morning before going to school, like brushing my teeth, eating breakfast and so forth, and when I was about to leave for school I ate the other 25mg Ketogan-pill. Already at the age of 16 I knew quite a lot about drugs and opiates in particular, so I knew approximately when the rush would hit me.

Even before eating the pill I was happy, which generally I were during all of 10th grade. I had a crush, good friends who knew nothing about my habitual use of drugs, but who understood and respected my interests in pharmacology and chemistry, pretty much top of my class in math, Danish, and English (up to you to decide). My family-situation was good. Now that I think of it, those were pretty damn good times compared to now, but I believe things will change.

I left my mom’s apartment and went to the train station. Still no effects, but it had only been about 10 minutes. I took the train and got off a few stations later, and as I walked towards my school I began noticing the all-to-familiar opiate effects: A pleasant dizziness, warmth, and pronounced euphoria. I remember thinking “too bad I wasted 50% of my supply yesterday”, but later on it would turn out to be a good thing. The first class of the day was sports. I changed into my sportswear and entered the gym (which is a part of the school, half a story below the ground, but with glass walls and a high ceiling). I approached my best friend (he’s still that, only we don’t speak too often today, one of the things that I must change) and all the while talking to him I did my best to hide my eyes without seeming suspicious. I did this because, without confirmation from a mirror, my pupils were probably pretty constricted.

After, and possibly because of this, doing some sports, specifically ball playing and rope climbing, I began feeling nauseous and ran out to the bathroom and shared my breakfast with the toilet, generous as I am. ;-) I looked in the mirror and got the aforementioned confirmation, but besides small pupils I looked pretty normal, and none of my friends, let alone the teachers, seemed to suspect anything (later that year the teachers confronted me and I told them the truth, and the first day in school that year my friend noticed that I “looked pretty tired” after having smoked some heroin – oh and my mom kicked me out of her apartment about a year ago, but I don’t blame her).

Anyway, after I vomited I instantaneously felt much better, but I recall going to the bathroom to try and puke (I would only succeed half the time) several times during that class. How my friends did not notice something was off is beyond me, or maybe their suspicions started at that moment, I don’t know.

That’s pretty much it. Today I am on Subutex (Buprenorphine) 0.6-2mg a day, but due to recent relapses I’ve decided to switch back to methadone. This may seem like a bad idea as I can then get high off heroin, but the problem isn’t wether or not I am able to get high (I’ll just plan ahead and skip my Subutex dose) but whether or not I WANT to get high, and I’m hoping methadone can rid me of that urge. Yesterday I tried selling some of my PlayStation 3-games (the ones I never play or already have on my computer) so I could score some dope, but I found out you only get a few $$$ (or DKK – Danish Crowns / “Danske Kroner”) per game, so I decided it wasn’t worth it. I was annoyed and wondered how I’d get money for junk, but I then walked by a supermarket and snatched some chocolate, realizing it’s just as good as dope when I sank me teeth in. Better even.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 90282
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Aug 10, 2018Views: 1,373
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Pharms - Ketobemidone (406) : General (1), School (35)

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