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Where Are They Going?
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Twynx. "Where Are They Going?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp9036)". May 3, 2004.

50 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Well I have smoked salvia divinorum dried leaves before with nothing more than a buzz and slight confusion. That was until a little while ago when I finally received an order for a gram of 10x extract. I was expecting to be sent into a complete change of time and space. Well when I first smoked it out of a cheap tobacco pipe I was sorely mistaken. But then when I was at the bottom of the bag I used my friends water pipe.

This time we set the mood just right were were in his porch and turned off all of the lights except for a candle. We had put on some trippy music for background. I took the first hit and held it in for thirty seconds. When I let it out I quickly inhaled the second. After I let it out my friend took the pipe. All of a sudden I noticed a tingling all over the top of my body. And then a severe feeling as if my skin was turning into leaves and I was a tree. Then I was completely immersed in a seperate reality that I had created within my own head. When my friend had started tripping he looked into his window and asked where all the people were going. He was talking about his own reflection. I noticed as soon as I had gotten comfortable with my psycedelic suroundings I was shot back onto earth with a whole lot of confusion and the feeling of what I thought at the time was being born.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9036
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2004Views: 6,470
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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