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Amazingly Positive
MDMA (Ecstasy)
by Taq
Citation:   Taq. "Amazingly Positive: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp90377)". Jun 2, 2020.

0.5 tablets oral MDMA
28 Male First Drug Experience, Success

I have just come to from my first encounter with Ecstacy.

Little info about me:
I am a lean chap, 182cm, 63kg. Good overall health, did sports when I was younger but nothing for about 6 years now. Just sitting on the computer and a random jog etc. I have never smoked a cigarette, I've been drunk approximately 15 times in my life and have never tried any other drugs. Big consumer of Pepsi Max tho.

I have never had any mental problems and have always been a very positive person, never really stress about anything and have an open mind. I felt Ecstacy would fit me well. All the information I had about the substance beforehand was from my good friend from whom I got the pill and from online.

I got the pill, half that is, today and got ready for my experience. I hadn't really prepared in any way other than had slept well and was completely healthy and not in any kind of strain, other than nervous about what I was going to do. But I felt I was as calm as I ever would be to try it. The setting was my own apartment, small flat where I live with my girlfriend. She knew I was about to do it but was out, so I took the pill because I knew she would get really nervous waiting for something to happen if she saw me take it.

I took it at 15:54 while we were in contact with the friend who I got it from, through a chat. He was explaining the effects he had had and also some variations of what people have felt so I knew what to expect.

After I took it I got very nervous and started to pace around the house, it was probably bad, I might have overreacted but it was due to a complete lack of experience in any drugs.

- 30 minutes in -
I started to feel light headed and my legs felt weird, sort of powerless. For a brief moment a feeling shot across me, a very vivid wave of tingling or 'lightness' and I was afraid I was going to faint. It passed quite quickly and ended up as just a feeling of light-headedness.

- 40 minutes in -
I was listening to some funk and felt the urge to dance a little. (Not completely uncommon for me but still.) I kept touching my face and it felt really weird. My hands felt cold and my face felt as if the touch didn't touch the skin but somewhere deeper, had to repeat it quite a few times.

- 45 minutes in -
I got another feeling of light-headedness, it felt very similar to when one is just about to faint. (I have experienced fainting after giving blood and once after a rough session of intercourse ;) My friend encouraged me to eat a little something, so I proceeded to eat a plum.

The taste was amazing, they were great plums but the taste somehow went deeper into me than usual. As if the taste activated nerves a lot deeper in my mouth and jaw, similar to the feeling of touching my face. I only took a few bites of the plum because I started to feel slightly nauseated and tried to lie down on the bed. That felt really good, it took the bad feeling away slightly and the fabric felt amazing against the skin. The fear went away as the nausea subsided and the amazing feeling rushed over me.

- 50 minutes in -
My girlfriend comes home, I greet her at the door and she sees my eyes (pupils wide as hell!) and expresses slight concern but also excitement. I proceeded to rub my face against hers gently, kissing and hugging and so fort. We went to lie down on the bed and kissed and caressed each other. I quickly wanted to get rid of all the clothes so I could feel my body against hers.

I asked her to try and stimulate my penis while it was still hard since I had heard that sex is pretty much impossible during the effect. She gave me some oral sex and petting and it felt really good. I asked if I could put it inside her, 'Just to try how it feels.' I said. ;) She went: 'Ok, in the name of science!' The feeling was great, although not THAT much better really, so we didn't go on for long.

We soon got up, I put some music on and tried to eat some more plum and drank some water. I went on youtube and typed in 'crazy trance' and picked the first link. The song hit HARD! It was absolutely incredible. I was compelled to dance around the house.

- 60 minutes in -
The feeling of nausea came back as I was walking around and sitting on the computer. I went back to lie on the bed and the nausea subsided very quickly. I laid there naked, sliding my arms and legs against the fabric which felt better than anything had ever felt in my life. Asked my girlfriend for some chewing gum, strawberry flavor, tasted incredible, again the feeling of taste going way deeper in the senses than normal.

My girlfriend was very actively following my every action and kept commenting how 'cute and happy I look with my wide eyes.' She took a few pictures of my crazy face and also some video (rofled at it just now). I laid on the bed, rubbing myself, the bed covers and everything around me because it just felt amazing.

I asked my girlfriend to come to bed with me and we started kissing and caressing passionately. Kissing felt amazing, better than ever before. The feeling of her tongue against mine was extremely vivid and penetrating. We kept at it for a good 20 minutes or so after which I guess I lost interest, closed my eyes and just waved around on the bed slowly, enjoying every touch and sensation. Then I turned my head and from the other room the sun shone directly in my face while I had my eyes closed. The reddish light felt incredible in my eyes.

At this point my girlfriend got up and said she'd go make herself some food. She put on a classical piano piece for me from the youtube by Evgeny Kissin. Music has never sounded so vivid for me. Every note felt like a small orgasm in my ear. I told her: 'Laying on the bed feels amazing and Evgeny Kissin sounds like a god!' (I'm an atheist and generally never use the word god in any of my sayings but it just sounded right. ;) Spent about 20 minutes on the bed, listening to various songs and just slowly rubbing my legs and arms around.

- 90 minutes in -
My girlfriend had got some food ready, she's a vegetarian and often eats mushrooms. I absolutely hate the smell of them and could never imagine tasting them. But when she brought a piece for me, I WANTED it! :) It didn't taste good, but I was not appalled in any way.

At this point I basically went back and forth between taking a sip of water, bite of a plum, a stick of gum, mouthful of yoghurt and dancing randomly to the songs. All the taste sensations kept going deep inside me and felt extremely powerful. Sounds also felt very strong, I knew the volume was high but I felt no discomfort because of it whatsoever. I generally don't like too loud music.

- about 3 hours in -
I tried rubbing some erotic lubricant on myself and it felt really good, I got my girlfriend to do it as well. Rubbing my penis felt really good but it was and stayed about as un-erect as possible. My girlfriend even laughed at it: 'I have never seen it so small! :O'

After that I went to take a shower and the water felt amazing. The feeling of the droplets hitting my skin was very clear and the hot water caressed me like a perfect warm hug. I pretty much just stood there for a good 10 minutes. Then I tried washing my body with soap and that felt even more amazing! The slippery soap glided on my skin and it felt even better than moving around on the bed.

Washing my hair felt crazy as well. The feeling of hair going through my fingers was extremely powerful, but my scalp didn't really feel anything at all, which was funny.

- about 3 and a half hours in -
After I came from the shower the strongest feelings had subsided and left was this peaceful feeling of bliss. Not a powerful feeling of pleasure, but just bliss. I kept touching my face and body and hugging and kissing my girlfriend every now and then. Listening to some songs and such.

My friend had warned me that some people get a strong sensation of loss when they realize the feeling is going away so I knew to expect that. I easily blocked the feeling and concentrated on my remaining blissful state. I reported my experiences to my friend and he was glad that it had been a good trip.

- pretty much exactly 4 hours after consuming the substance -
I was back to normal. My head felt somehow tired, as if I had stayed up for quite a while except my eyes or body were not hurting. Touch still felt good against the skin and sounds were vivid but it slowly went away.

After that I proceeded to write this.

TO RECAP: Slight feelings of nausea that were fixed by lying down on the bed. An amazingly positive trip all in all.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90377
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jun 2, 2020Views: 647
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