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Fluid and Unimpeded
Citation:   TsultimK. "Fluid and Unimpeded: An Experience with Modafinil (exp90417)". Mar 21, 2020.

200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
    oral Caffeine (liquid)
Here's a write-up of my first day trying out Modapro(Modafinil):

It began sometime around 4 or 4:30 a.m. this morning. I woke up and decided that now would be a great time to try it out, since I had already promised dad I would clean the house today. So I took 2 100mg Modapro(Modafinil) with a soda. I then began to watch T.V. waiting for it to kick in. For the first hour and a half or so, I actually felt like I was getting sleepier. I actually tried to go back to sleep, but not for too long. 2-3 minutes and I decided to get out of bed and take a shower. Hopped in the shower, nothing feels different.

When I am out, the best way to describe it was I felt alert and ready. My mind felt supple and malleable. Tasks became effortless and there was no lethargy or procrastination. I remembered I had letters I had forgot to mail the previous day, so I set that as my first goal of the day. I grabbed the letters and set off out the door. Outside, everything was clear, crisp, and wonderful. Whatever I chose to focus on, I could see ALL the details. Then I began to ran. Yes, run. And I never run. I ran a quarter mile down my drive way to put the mail in the mailbox, then I ran back. Something I couldn't normally do because of my low endurance. I did it effortlessly. I took a short break and noticed my stomach felt a little uneasy. I figured it was because I had not eaten anything the night before. I fixed myself 2 peanut butter sandwiches and a glass of water(I never drink water). Food felt satisfying, no difference in taste even though my appetite was a little quelled. After eating, my stomach felt a little better so I decided to go on.

I felt it was time for meditation(one of the major things I wished to test on this substance, seeing as I have seen little to no other reports on it's effects and meditation). I lit some incense, turned off my computer, and sat down on the cushion. 45minutes later I arise from the cushion feeling as if no time had took place and refreshed. It helped my meditation exponentially. My mind was clear than usual(Almost no distracting thoughts), and the focus on my object was more refined. I then set myself to cleaning the kitchen, the worst spot in the house. I did the dishes, wiped off the counters, cleaned everything up. I look up and it feels like it took me no time at all. I didn't even realize how much I had done till I saw it. Whenever I set myself to a task, it seems like my mind would organize it into steps, throwing out any unnecessary steps and sequencing them in such an order that I would be most efficient. It is almost as if my mind would not let me be unproductive. Then I checked my heart rate because I felt a little clammy and hot. Heart rate was at 107bpm, a little elevated. I voiced my concern to my dad, and he said it was a little high so I should take a rest and check it again. I decide to take another rest and cool down. Took a 10minute break as my dad proscribed and checked my heart rate again. 70bpm, normal. I assumed that whenever I was focusing on a task, my heart rate increased. I figured this was because of the caffeine in the soda this morning, because I have read reports of Modafinil and Caffeine being synergistic. Dad left, and I decided to move on to cleaning the rest of the house. I had no sense of time while finishing the task. I look at the time and realize it took me, literally, no time at all to get all of it done. I still felt sweaty, hot, and a little increased heart rate. So I decide to take another break and drink a coke. 1/4 through the soda my stomach starts feeling uneasy again. I associate this again with the Caffeine and the Modafinil together. It's just enough to be noticeable, but not enough to bother me. So I ignore it and go on.

Overall, It was a great experience. Increased focus/concentration, increased motivation, mood, and productivity. All of this with hardly any side effects. Wow. Something I am very interested in the possibilities.

[Note: All events taken place during the day are not noted. This is just a summary of how the first half of my day went.]

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90417
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 1,241
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Modafinil (217) : First Times (2), Performance Enhancement (50), Various (28)

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