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Cold Nausea With Playful Patterns
Citation:   Aniriaa. "Cold Nausea With Playful Patterns: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT (exp90432)". Apr 14, 2013.

14 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT (powder / crystals)
The duration of my trip took place alone, in my brother’s room. I’ve had previous experiences with ketamine, mushrooms, DMT, MDMA, and weed. I had also previously smoked 12 mgs of 5-meo-MIPT on a separate occasion and found it to be very gentle and mellow. I was 15 at the time of the trip (female).

The trip:
At 9:30pm I took roughly 14mgs of 5-meo-MIPT. (Which I'll start by saying was a little bit too much..)

Within 30 minutes, I was sitting at the computer and started noticing the beginning effects. It started with light visuals surrounding my peripheral vision. It reminded me of mushrooms.

Not 10 minutes later, I realized I was coming up real fast. I lay in bed for a little bit getting really, really cold and slightly nauseous I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing. I didn’t know how much time had passed when I opened my eyes
‘Woah! I was NOT expecting to see this when I opened my eyes.’ Were my exact thoughts
The room looked extremely complicated, patterns and static buzzed around the ceiling. I felt extremely nauseous and I started to think about possibly vomiting. I got up and went to the washroom, but realized I couldn't vomit. I stood up and looked around. The room was crawling with visuals. I bent over the sink now thinking again that I might puke. I watched faint patterns move all over the sink. The mirror was nothing too special, and I went back to my brother’s room.

I played some chillout ambient and lay back down, closing my eyes and covering myself with blankets. Once I opened them I was even more surprised then the last time. The room slowly changed shades of red. The visuals seemed unnatural, rather than seeing soft patterns and fractals, I was looking at black static, along with other complicated things covering my visual field. There seemed to be too much going. I spent a little bit more time with my eyes closed. It seemed every time I opened them, reality was getting more complicated. I didn’t expect the trip to get so overwhelming. I put my arms on my chest, breathing heavily, I listened intently to the music and thought about what was happening. I realized I was a human who purposely put my self in this strange state, and I was stuck in it for a few more hours whether I liked it or not. This realization felt strange and alien, I didn’t fully understand it. I ran over this thought a few more times thinking of things I could potentially do with this state to enjoy myself if I didn’t feel so physically uncomfortable. I could dance, or draw, or look at cool things online.

I forced myself to get up and move with the strange music playing. It felt really good to move around, I felt a similar buzz to MDMA, but this only lasted about 20 seconds until a wave hit me, making everything feel even more intense and making me even more nauseous. I quickly sat down at the computer. I looked at the time. 10:40. Holy shit I thought, I’ve only spent an hour in this state, and I’m so tired of it!

I played around on the computer, finding different songs to listen to, all fairly quite and mellow.

I went to the washroom. It felt like I was there for a really long time. I started to hear voices in my head, mainly a strange male voice that seemed to be mocking me. I don’t remember what he was saying but it basically replaced my internal monologue. As I left the bathroom the voice stopped and I considered how strange it had been.
I spent the next little while listening to music and finding new songs. Before I knew it it was 11:50. I went to go get some paper and pencil crayons. I found myself sitting down staring at the faint green fractals coming out of the paper. It seemed like every time I found myself comfortable with how I was feeling, the trip would get more intense in waves.

I turned the paper to different angles, thinking about what to draw. I watched the paper split as if I was seeing both the delayed image of myself turning the paper, and the paper after it had been turned at the same time. I tried to draw the lines where the paper seemed to ‘split.’ It took me a very long time to draw. After adding on each detail I’d wait a long time, trying to decide what to draw next. At the same time I was finding individual songs I wanted to hear, it seemed very important that I decide on each song carefully, and did not put on a playlist. I kept feeling like parts of my clothes were wet, but when I would look they were always actually dry.

At around 12:45 I started to feel very calm, but still tripping out fairly hard and I was enjoy it. Feelings of nausea had subsided and I sat with a thick blanket. I mindlessly colored the picture. Occasionally I would lay down in bed, noticing how soft the blanket felt, stretching my body and relaxing.

It was near 1:45 am, when I was really focused on my drawing that I looked around and noticed how simple the room suddenly looked, The visuals had significantly died down and I was feeling pretty sober. I took a melatonin and hoped I’d be able to fall asleep soon. I went to brush my teeth. As I was leaving the bathroom I looked in the mirror, my reflection caught my attention because it seemed like image in the mirror was noticeably delayed in it’s movements. I got up close to the mirror and moved side to side, and watched my reflection lag in the mirror. I knew I wasn’t going to be falling asleep easily.

I got to my room and lay down in the dark. The light coming in through the window made the room seem to be covered in large dark blue patterns. I felt calm. I spent a couple hours thinking about things waiting to fall asleep. It took a while, and I would often find myself listening to noises that I wasn’t sure if I was really hearing (I’m scared of things that go bump in the night..) but finally I got to sleep.

In conclusion..
I think moxy could be enjoyable if you’re careful with the dose you’re taking. Although I enjoyed a lot of aspects of the trip, the feelings of cold and nausea were very strong. The trip seemed to hit me in waves and the hallucinations were a bit more than I was expecting.

If I do it again I’ll either take a smaller dose, or smoke it.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90432
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Apr 14, 2013Views: 9,282
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5-MeO-MIPT (287) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Alone (16)

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