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Paranoia Ataxia and Terror
Citation:   Nothingness. "Paranoia Ataxia and Terror: An Experience with Cannabis (exp90506)". Jul 9, 2019.

2 bowls smoked Cannabis
Over the years, this substance has caused intense fear, acute panic, and paranoid delusions, occasionally spliced with paradoxical euphoria. I admit I am psychologically addicted to it and the 'friends' I do it with. Under the influence of any form of cannabis or even synthetic cannabinoids, I believe my friends are plotting against me. I believe I am being videotaped without actually having any rationale to back up those claims. Every time I hear a noise or sound, I flinch. My muscles twitch, and I have undiagnosed, involuntary physical jerks of the body. It is impossible to sit still, which is especially embarrassing in public. I experience ataxia and cannot maintain a sober appearance around anyone. I get shakiness and tremors. I am constantly worried that my parents will catch me.
I am constantly worried that my parents will catch me.
It has basically ruined my life. I have trouble controlling my facial expressions, which causes me to involuntarily grimace. Keep in mind that I am only nineteen years old. I experience a broad sense of dysphoria, and I become convinced that I am always being stared at by someone I can't see or detect. I become confused and incoherent. I experience trouble breathing and feel as though I am suffocating. I have marijuana-induced sleep attacks that mimic the symptoms of narcolepsy. I become depersonalized. All of this causes suicidal ideation.

It happens with any type of cannabis product, whether it be dank nuggs or mids. I have even smoked medical strains like Blue Dream and Sour Kush and experience all the same symptoms. For clarification, most of these symptoms are acute and drug-induced. After I sober up, I experience a few of the symptoms, mostly generalized anxiety rather than specific paranoid delusions and scenarios. I am depressed and suicidal in the long-term. Short-term memory is impaired under the influence, but returns to normal after sobering up. While high, I *FEEL* as though everyone in town knows I am high or is watching me. Again, there is no real rationale for these delusional beliefs, but I become CONVINCED that that is what's happening.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 540
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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