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Regaining the Tabula Rasa With Budda
Citation:   cleangoods. "Regaining the Tabula Rasa With Budda: An Experience with DMT & LSD (exp90510)". Jun 18, 2018.

6 hits   LSD
    vaporized DMT
Me and my friend has spent all of the previous evening tripping off of some of the best acid I have ever come across. That however is another trip report. My writing today focuses on what I consider to be the most profound experience I have had using various entheogens.

(all events from here on take place between 6 am and 7 am)

Anyways we are in my buddies car, listening to music and watching the trees shift and swirl about in the way acid tends to make everything fun. He says that it's time for a blastoff, and we make our way inside. I load up the pipe and we hike to a bluff near my home. We decide on a spot that overlooks a field and forest and I proceed to take the initiatory hit. It is the smoothest vaporization I have had yet, the acid synergizes so well with the building up and rushing of DMT, and as I exhale the two compounds make their combined presence known.

I pass the pipe to my friend, and have my vision start to waver. The cars parked in the parking lot start to shift in and out of focus, and I let it all wash over me. A machine appears, and start to chew apart the universe (I do not know how else to describe it). right before the last bit of exsistance is annihilated by this machine, budda appears and the machine blinks out of exsistance (when your job is done you go home I guess). All that happens from here on out is a blur. Budda faces me and I face him, and no words at all can form. He sits their meditating just as I was before I vaporized the DMT, and the only thing I can muster is that I am so humbled that I was given an audience. As the effects fade away I come back down to a dramatically altered world. Every single fundemental particle, each and every blade of grass, mound of dirt and small furry (and non furry) mammal has a dmt entity trying to burst through it into t he collective reality. All around me I can see hyperspace pushing through into the 'real world'. I speak to my friend who did not have quite a profound journey as myself, and he sees it all to. The trees have alien faces within them whispering to us indecipherable but hauntingly beautiful messages. We converse a bit till we are both just back to acid space, and enjoy the sounds of the awakening world.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90510
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 18, 2018Views: 996
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LSD (2), DMT (18) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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