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Super Entactogen
Citation:   Chemical Ninja . "Super Entactogen: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp90598)". May 18, 2019.

700 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone (capsule)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I take the dose orally, a white powder with a distinct, almost floral scent, packed into two emptied valarian root capsules. These are swallowed with about 4 ounces of water.

Perhaps an hour after dosing, I start to feel some sensation. This is the largest dose I have ever taken (with doses typically being around 400mg) and the chemical seems to double on itself. As I begin to announce that I’m starting to feel something, the sensation suddenly builds to a creasendo, rendering me almost catatonic. I am sitting on a bar stool still well balanced, but unable to do anything but rub my lips repeating over and over “oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...” The sensation is without a doubt completely orgasmic, and very intense. I note two things: first my congnitive function is impaired, I cannot analyze what is happening to me, and second, repetition seems to be very prominent. I cannot stop rubbing my lips or repeating my mantra for perhaps fifteen minutes.

My comrades, Benny and Bekah, kindly take each of my arms, and half carry me to the elevator as I am now far too catatonic to walk. Benny notes that my eyes are dilated and that I have the “eye squiggles” (a phenomenon characterized by the eyes moving back and forth horizontally very quickly.) This causes some obvious visual impairment.

We reach the ground floor of the apartment building where there is an outdoor courtyard with a circular hot tub which we all sit in. At this point, I am beginning to be able to function on my own a bit. I notice judgement impairment as I stagger over to a darkly complexed stranger and begin stroking and kissing his skin, something in me is convinced this man is coated in chocolate. There is obvious audio distortion, the fountain behind the hot tub sounds like the hissing of a tire and my eye squiggles have not begun to lessen.

The five story apartment building looks very tall, and the angles of the walls are distorted to look as though they are curving inward and seem to be holding up the sky. The clouds have slight purple and green tint to their shadows. I notice that my logic is also impaired; a flower box on the edge of a fourth story balcony seems like it is about to be hurled in my direction. I am being very vocal and loud with each of these new discoveries and Benny and Bekah elect to take me back upstairs.

An hour and a half after dosing, my cell phone rings; it’s the delivery man bringing the food we’ve ordered. I am experiencing extreme entactogenesis and want to make this man as happy as possible. My chain of logic goes something like: I want to make this man happy > men like sex > I should tell him I’m pleasuring myself. (Benny has gone to get the food and finds the delivery man downstairs in the lobby with the phone on speaker with a small gathering of gentlemen snickering at my remarks. He shuts the man’s phone, and pays him.)

I do not have any appetite at this point. The delicious Italian food might as well have been a plate of bark, neither the smell nor the sight of it provoked any interest or urge to eat and forcing down a bite was incredibly difficult. I cannot stop talking. Everything seems to illicit a very urgent comment. I repeatedly make hissing sounds because they seem very aesthetic.

The entire effect of the chemical lasted perhaps six hours, also noting that I could not sleep for the duration of effects. The effects were similar to MDMA except much more pronounced, entactogenic, and comfortable. I was clearly very high, but it was a clean high. The come up and come down were both very smooth.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 90598
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 18, 2019Views: 1,381
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : General (1), Various (28)

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