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A Lot Like Rozerem
Silene capensis
Citation:   Electric Shaman. "A Lot Like Rozerem: An Experience with Silene capensis (exp90655)". Jul 26, 2011.

Silene Capensis' main utility is as a sleep aide - contrary to what I've read about the plant, the bizarre dreams don't come until I stop using the plant as a sleep aide. This plant is sedating and slightly trippy. For best effects I chew the root before bedtime.

The strange dreams don't start until the day AFTER I take the plant - it's more like they're part of the plants withdrawal symptoms (which are otherwise very mild) than from the plant itself. The dreams that this plant induces are vivid, long lasting, and seem to involve massive journeys. Before I woke up I was running effortlessly from metro station to metro station in some sort of strange race. I never got tired, and I was surrounded by powerful images - massive buildings of glass that towered above the landscape, important notes left on tombstones in a cemetery, and above all a journey that I had to finish that drove me forward from one place of the mind to the next.

The dreams are actually pretty awesome.

[Reported Dose: 250-350mg]

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90655
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 26, 2011Views: 22,117
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Silene capensis (386), Dreams (85) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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