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Great for Multi-Tasking
Modafinil & Alcohol
Citation:   supersharp. "Great for Multi-Tasking: An Experience with Modafinil & Alcohol (exp90690)". Jan 1, 2016.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
  300 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
This is my first report on the use of modafinil and unfortunately on my first occasion of use, I did not use it in a productive and safe way as I mixed it with a heavy alcohol intake.

Having got back from work I found that my anxiously awaited package of modafinil from Hong Kong had finally arrived. Rather than cracking into it straight away, I visited the local pub and drank several pints of premium cider. I then continued to drink – quite heavily – at home. All in all I must have drunk around 15 to 25 units of alcohol within a fairly short space of time and so I was pretty damn wasted.

By around 2am I decided (in a rather epically stupid frame of mind) to sample one 200mg tablet of Modalert, which was followed by another 100mg half tablet around 20 minutes later. I do not recall noticing any significant effects, in fact my drunken state of inebriation probably masked any of the very subtle feeling that modafinil evokes. All I recall of this evening was a fairly happy frame of mind and also overly confident discussions with friends on facebook. After getting to sleep around 5am, I woke up an hour later to head to work. Here’s where things start to get interesting but potentially damaging! Having had one hours very poor quality alcohol influenced sleep I woke up surprisingly refreshed – actually I don’t recall ANY feeling of tiredness whatsoever. This is of course, why I purchased modafinil.

I managed to get to work over half an hour early at the same time feeling slightly elated and happy. I found myself talking to colleagues more affably and any feelings of social anxiety that would otherwise have stifled the rather spontaneous and lucid conversations I was having were completely absent. My job consists of discussing financial matters over the telephone, which is surprisingly easy when my articulation and concentration are enhanced by a wonder drug. I found myself having excellent rapport conversations and explaining sometimes difficult financial topics came easy as words simply rolled off my tongue. I found that I was more organised and could multi-task easily. It is quite common at work to multitask very frequently as I might be writing notes or filling out forms while talking at the same time, my working memory in this respect was far more efficient.

After a couple of hours of work however the previous evening seemed to take its toll. My temperature seemed to rise and I felt slightly sick and uncomfortable. I booked the rest of the day off as a holiday and left for home where I promptly crashed out. The increased temperature appeared to be the most worrying aspect of this experience so in future I will take just one 100mg or 200mg dose and NOT mix it with alcohol.

So far I have identified two potentially beneficial uses for this drug in my case.

1. Modafinil offers me the opportunity to get more hours out of my day and to achieve far more in those hours thanks to its cognitive enhancing attributes. It has few if any severe side effects and when used infrequently and carefully, I can’t imagine it would have any adverse health impact. I do not foresee myself in future using this drug to have 2 – 4 hours of sleep each day for weeks on end but can imagine using modafinil on the night before an exam or a sleepless night before a long arduous day at work. In respect of the work, productivity and ‘wakefulness promoting effects’ I found Modafinil does exactly what it says on the tin and its physical effects are almost un-noticeable. There is no UP or buzz with modafinil, its simply a sharp frame of mind accompanied by a lack of any feelings of sleepiness whatsoever. In future I plan to use a low 100mg dose just prior to studying purely for focus and concentration purposes. I will aim to keep a normal sleep cycle in check and subsequently will not be using this drug for its effects on sleep.

2. Modafinil makes me feel ever so slightly happier but more importantly it seems to limit feelings of social anxiety, which could prove incredibly useful for me in the future in limiting or cutting alcohol use. I have identified that the sole reason I appear to drink, other than occasionally to relax or cope with stress, is to drown out feelings of social anxiety. I can often find myself becoming quiet in the company of people I am not fully acquainted with and this can make me appear awkward or strange at the best of times. This shyness is especially irritating when I join new organisations, as any feeling of ease and lucidity around new people (aka strangers, scary strangers!) is hard to come by and hard won. Modafinil seems to kill off these feelings and a shy demeanour seems to be replaced by confidence, mental clarity and a positive mood. I can imagine this may be a great and far safer alternative to drinking heavy amounts of alcohol to socialise freely and make new friends.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 90690
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 1, 2016Views: 5,442
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Modafinil (217), Alcohol (61) : Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Workplace (51)

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