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Drifting Off to Cowboy Bebop
Citation:   Stimtrain Alright. "Drifting Off to Cowboy Bebop: An Experience with Trazodone (exp90868)". Feb 24, 2018.

    Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
  80 mg   Amphetamines  
  50 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (pill / tablet)
I was prescribed Trazodone when the university psychiatrist asked me if I was having any sleeping problems. I'm prescribed celexa (citoprolam) for depression and anxiety, and I had been having trouble sleeping for the past few months because of racing thoughts every time my head hit the pillow. I would lie awake for hours thinking, and thinking. Compounded by the fact that I abuse a variety stimulants a little too frequently, staying up at night, lying in bed, thinking, because almost a daily thing for me.

We discussed my options, and she gave me three options. The lowest strength option being like a more powerful Tylenol PM. Acetaminophen/Diphenhydramine always gives me terrible itching and never helps me sleep. (By the way guys, Tylenol PM/Exedrin PM/etc. is just aspirin and benadryl together. That's it. One can save a lot of money buying the components individually. Quite a game the drug companies run.)

Anyway, the middle strength option was Trazodone, and the strongest option was Ambien. I had no interest in abusing sleep medication like Ambien, nor did I want to get dependent upon a substance to sleep, so I went with the middle ground.

I am extremely glad I went with trazodone. I took a 50mg pill the night I got the prescription, not expecting much at all. I considered popping another pill in an hour if I couldn't sleep. That was not necessary.

About 15 minutes after taking the pill, I was overcome by feelings of tiredness, a great urge to lie down, and, for me, a rare feeling of drifting into sleep. I followed what my body and mind were telling me, and lay down in my dorm bed watching Cowboy Bebop at 2am. I KNEW I would have a very deep sleep. I had done somewhere around 80mg of adderall that day as well, with my last dose around 6pm. Ordinarily, this would have produced a troubled night of tossing and turning, somewhere in-between being awake and asleep. With trazodone, the anxiety and depression of coming down weren't...erased, but it felt like I had a blanket had been thrown over the comedown feelings. The fact that I did a powerful stimulant that is notorious for keeping you up didn't matter anymore. That nagging worry of having yet another sleepless night was shrouded and replaced by the deep tiredness
That nagging worry of having yet another sleepless night was shrouded and replaced by the deep tiredness
I felt. I fell into a very deep sleep for ten hours.

I awoke feeling a little out of it, but the feeling disappeared in a hour or so. I also had blackness pool across my vision several times the next morning when I changed from sitting to standing. The 'darkness vision' is a common occurrence to me due to low blood pressure, but it happened more than usual throughout the morning. I don't think anyone else needs to worry about it, but if one has low blood pressure and one takes this drug, it could be related. I'm going to ask my doctor about it next time I go.

Apparently, it IS possible to abuse trazodone either through insufflation or combined with other drugs, but I don't know why anyone would want to do that. Taking a trazodone isn't a 'pleasant' feeling, but it did evoke great feelings of happiness in me. The feeling of knowing that I was going to sleep for sure, sleep well, and be refreshed the next day? That felt really, really good.

I've been taking it a few times each week for about a month and I haven't had any problems. I do make sure I have at least 8 or 9 hours to sleep before I take trazodone, less than that and I'll feel really groggy in the morning. Anyway, I can't sleep fine without it, I don't notice any serious side effects, and it really helps me sleep. I don't why I've never heard about it before.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90868
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 24, 2018Views: 4,958
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Pharms - Trazodone (294) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Hangover / Days After (46), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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