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The Most Intense Experience of My Life
Citation:   Reedo. "The Most Intense Experience of My Life: An Experience with DMT (exp90873)". Jan 3, 2019.

40 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
As a note, the only other psychedelic I have taken before is AMT ingested orally, and that creates only very mild visuals, and only when I let my eyes de-focus from everything.

I took this at a friends flat after a night out. I was pretty much sober, maybe slightly stoned, but nothing more than that. There was about 8 or 9 of us there. 5 people had taken 2CB just before, but I was the only person that night to have DMT.

My friend loaded roughly 40mg of DMT into a meth pipe and I heated it from below until the vapour had filled the ball part of the pipe and had begun to start coming up the tube. I breathed in the vapour in one breath, pretty quickly (I have since learned you should breathe it in slowly and then take a second or third toke, but I dont think I needed that tbh). I don’t recall there being any taste to it, although I did have a bit of a plasticy taste on the tip of my tongue afterwards for probably 30 mins or so. Nothing that having a drink wont remove.

The effect was very intense, the most intense thing I have ever experienced.

Within a few seconds a warm feeling rushed up from my feet up my whole body. I think at this point, my friend leant over and took the pipe out of my hands. My brain must have noticed a yellow fairy light in the right periphery of my vision, because yellow “overlay” shot from right to left and made everything I saw only shades of yellow for a couple of seconds. At this point I remember thinking, “Fucking hell, this is going to be interesting!”

About 20-30 seconds into the trip (it is hard to measure) my vision split in two from the centre, as if opening a book that was held directly in front of you, spine down. This created a double image of everything.

From this point on, I only remember a few details, I couldn’t tell you what order they happened in.

There were lots of bright colours and rainbows throughout a lot of it. A cushion to my right turned into a plush, rainbow coloured porcupine which came rapidly towards me, leaving a rainbow trail behind it. I think I looked away from it when this happened.

Everyone in the room had 3 pairs of eyes, and a lot of inanimate objects had eyes and mouths too. This was very strange.

The curtains were waving quite violently when I looked at them. The flower pattern that was on them had developed a face, with a very large mouth with jagged teeth that was very slowly opening and closing.

Probably 3 or 4 minutes in I had sort of gotten used to all this crazy stuff and I asked my friend who had given it to me “How long does this last?” to which he replied “20 minutes”. “20 minutes of this?!” I replied, “Jesus!”.

After about 5-8 minutes I would say, the intense effects had slowly worn off, but the colours were still messed up and everything was wobbling quite a lot, a bit more than they would on 2CB (this is only a guess, from what I have heard from others about it.)
Shortly after this I tried to stand up (I had been previously laying on a mattress that was on the floor, rolling around on it. I remember during the most intense part, one of my friends saying “I would love to know what’s going on in his head”. I think I had my eyes very wide open the whole time with a “what the fuck” expression on my face.

The wobbling continued for another 5 or 10 minutes and I still felt weird for a while after that. I would say that the whole experience lasted about 25 minutes or so.

I had another hit of similar, or possibly slightly smaller size 2 days later, but all I got was the funny feeling and the most marginal of wobble and swirling on the floor, but not on anything else. (although I was pretty stoned when I did this, and I have since read that being stoned dulls the effect of DMT.)

This is a drug that I will leave at least a good week or two between sessions, maybe even a month or so, in order to get the full effect.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90873
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 3, 2019Views: 918
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