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Let Go of Fear
Citation:   Dandamano. "Let Go of Fear: An Experience with DMT (exp90906)". Erowid.org. Mar 5, 2018. erowid.org/exp/90906

  smoked Tobacco
  70 mg smoked DMT
Dose 70mg mixed in with a bit of tobacco to smooth the smoke and protect the dmt, a metal pipe was used to smoke the dmt.

Setting-Alone in my bedroom

Set-Feeling slightly anxious about the upcoming experience

Load pipe with the universe, aim at brain, fire

The trip- Took in two deep hits of the dmt and held them in for about a minute, the smoke wasn't that harsh thanks to the mixed in tobacco.

I layed back on my bed and breathed out the smoke, noticed a slight change in my perception, everything looked 'real' kind of like when I start to come up on LSD, then it began

I closed my eyes and my vision exploded into a world of colour, the most vivid greens reds blues and oranges, then suddenly everything went black and I was surrounded by black kaleidoscopes and far in the distance was a black spot the most darkest black I have ever seen, I could feel it's presence and it was pure evil almost like it was the devil itself.

I opened my eyes quickly and the most sheer terror came over me, fear that I have never felt so greatly before a fear that I felt no man should ever feel, I almost freaked out but luckily I managed to calm down slightly, I looked around and my room was alive everything was breathing and vibrating, the top of my wall melted all the way to the bottom, I looked at my trousers and I could see every crease and watched slowly as every one of them fell out, a voice in my head kept repeating 'every crease matters', then my eyes closed again.

I was in a vast desert, there was a swirlling red entity there, he did not like my presence and sent me away, then it all went black again, but it felt different this time I had been here before, it felt like home.

A circliar entity appeared, it's circumference was made of every colour possible, I felt it in my heart I already knew who this entity was, this entity was god himself and he spoke to me 'you need to let go of your fear son' and suddenly I felt a perfect calm come over me;I was at peace with the world and myself, there was no need for fear the concept of fear itself simply did not exist anymore, the entity of god then spoke to me again 'Remember what you have learnt today, come back soon but don't hurry, now open your eyes'

I opened my eyes and that was it, back at baseline.

Reflections- Despite the initial fear, this trip had a real positive vibe about it, and I felt extremely happy afterwards and cannot wait to repeat the experience

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90906
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Mar 5, 2018Views: 993
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DMT (18) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Alone (16)

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