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Overshot the K-Hole
Citation:   FeelTheEnergy. "Overshot the K-Hole: An Experience with Ketamine (exp91113)". Erowid.org. May 20, 2011. erowid.org/exp/91113

T+ 0:00
  insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:05   insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I usually don't write trip reports, but I feel this is a good warning for a first-timer's K-hole.

I'm a 20yr old, 150 lb male. This was my first time on K (or any disassociative for that matter) so I had no tolerance yet, but I was stoked for my first K-hole because I'd read so much about them online. I was mentally eager to see the universe in a way I never had before. I had turned around the clocks so I could lose myself in time, so I apologize that I can't give exact times. I know my powder was pure because a friend of mine helped me break the seal and cook the vial in my kitchen.

The Trip:
I eyeballed a bump to what I thought was about 150mg. I had an image in my head for what the K-hole was supposed to be like (this was my biggest mistake). So I put on some ambient music and layed down on the floor to wait for the come up. At this point I was pretty eager, so just lying there was making me anxious. I started to feel a bit out of it, and when I looked around, my perception lagged almost a whole second from what was going on. But regardless, I was still conscious and was not getting from this experience what I had gone into it hoping to receive. So though it had only been about 5 minutes since my dose, I decided to re-dose. I stumbled and swayed my way over the desk.

I dumped out another bump onto the desk, but it was really hard to see how much was there because my vision was so impaired. (I found out later it was 250mg.) I insufflated this and again layed back down in my spot. A few minutes later I was totally unconscious.

Since by this point I had taken around 400mg, I had way overshot the K-hole for a first-timer. I had gone into what I think was an anesthetic dose. Anyway, I only remember two small things:
1. I remember being in a limbo-like area and energy was radiating from my back kind of like massive butterfly wings.
2. I remember saying out loud to myself “you'll never understand” which is apparently true, as I have no idea what I was talking about. Haha. But at the time I knew I was enlightened with something that I would forget once I came down.
That's all I can recall from the K-hole itself.

Once I regained consciousness, I was totally exhausted and for every motion I made, my mind would only register that I had done it significantly later. I also was very susceptible to suggestions and emotions. I couldn't stand up for about a half hour without fumbling back onto the ground, and about an hour later I took a shower but kept falling into the shower walls.

I've since acquired a mg scale (which is how I know how much I took that night; I measured what was left in my bag and did the math) and have since K-holed several times times now. Each time I only take 150mg and wait for the come-ups, and I remember much more from these experiences.

Don't go into a trip anticipating what you will feel or experience. You'll only fight what you're given and try to force yourself into your perfect image of a trip. Instead surrender to the natural flow of your body and assess where you are. You can gain so much more from just processing stimuli of the universe rather than controlling them. Also, you're more likely to re-dose like I did if you don't get to the level you wanted to be at, though I now know that if I didn't take that second 250mg, I would've had a much nicer time. With ketamine, it is definitely possible to overshoot the K-hole and enter anesthetic doses, especially if you have no tolerance. Be careful with your doses, and try not to eyeball when possible. Enjoy your time here, you guys. And always be open to ideas and emotions you've never taken in before.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91113
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 20, 2011Views: 9,347
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Ketamine (31) : Overdose (29), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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