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Near Death Experience on Pot
Citation:   thecursedsun. "Near Death Experience on Pot: An Experience with Cannabis (exp91156)". Nov 3, 2013.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis
I should probably start by setting the scene before my experience took place. I was 17 at the time and had only recently started smoking pot. I don't know exactly for how long but I guess it was a month or 2. Before that day I hadn't had any un-ordinary symptoms from smoking pot other than a few instances of slight paranoia or rapid heart beat but that is to be expected at the beginning. I must also mention that I have a faint heart murmur and can have extremely rapid palpitations, but only from usually intense exercise, never without some sort of exercise.

On the day in question I had been in a car with my 3 friends and had consumed 2 cans of lager over quite an extended period of time - over an hour for sure. I was in no way feeling drunk or any effects from the alcohol and I am a lightweight due to my size and the fact that I don't drink that much. Anyway, we went to this park to smoke some of the joints we had planned to share between us and settled down on a bench. I can't remember exactly how many joints we smoked or how much weed we'd put in them but I know for sure in them days I did not put anywhere near as much as I would today (approx 0.3-0.4g to myself) and I think we would have had 2 joints between the 3 of us.

My memory of how much we smoked, when it happened, etc. aren't exactly clear but some things are still crystal to this day. I was sitting on the end of the bench and after smoking for a while I was definitely high but not overwhelmingly so. Then that's when shit went strange.

I first noticed myself becoming out of touch with what conversations were going on beside me, their voices becoming a blur and I just could not focus on them. I was overcome by an extreme feeling of tiredness but this is nothing like I have ever experienced. It was like I was being pulled into sleep within a couple of seconds so I leaned my elbows on my knees to try and ride out the feeling. I felt quite faint and could feel my heart rate slowing right down. Now throughout this I was completely aware of my heart rate getting slower and slower but I was definitely not still 'in this world'. I had my head in my hands for what felt like 10 seconds but my friends later told me I had been like that for minutes. What happened next was incredible.

My heart rate slowed down to the point where it stopped, I am 100% sure of that. At this moment I had an incredible vision which is unlike anything I have felt before. I do not remember the exact details of the vision no matter how hard I try but I do remember seeing a bright light at the end of the vision. I also encountered some sort of being that had given me some sort of information that felt like it held more importance than anything in the world. It was like God himself had given me the key answers to life and I just understood. At the end of the vision I remember flying through a tunnel towards the bright light with no sense of fear at all, only peace. It was like I knew where I was going and everything was ok.

This vision took place between my heart stopping and it re-starting again. This was only an instant of maybe 1 second, which I was only aware of when I regained consciousness. My heart re-started with a particularly powerful beat and I was hauled out of the vision back into reality. I gasped for air profusely and could not speak. I was in complete awe of what I had just seen and tried my hardest to spill everything I could to my friends as they tried to help calm me down. Within a few moments the memories were rapidly fading-the face of the being, where I was, what exactly he'd told me were all there once I first come out but by the time I could catch my breath and speak they were gone. The main outline still remains to this day.

My friends told me that they'd seen me slowly leaning onto my legs and thought I was just sleeping. Apparently I was extremely pale when I came back, which isn't surprising as I felt very weak and sick. Two of the guys had to help me walk across the field back to the car as I could not do it alone, I would have fallen. I felt quite sick for an hour after until I finally threw up out of the door of the car I was sitting in, waiting to sober up enough to go into my house.

When I came out of the vision I had a massive sense of being enlightened and like the vision was truly significant. I must add that I am not religious and am merely explaining the feelings I got and the things I saw. Nothing else like that has happened to me since and I have been smoking ever since, I am now 19. To be honest even shortly after my 'near-death experience' I was glad that it had happened because I have never seen/felt anything as powerful to what happened that day in my life. I cannot even begin to explain the pure enlightened feeling to someone who hasn't experienced something similar. I study science and know that DMT is released in large amounts just before we die and may be responsible for reported near death experiences. I have had pure ecstatic feelings from mixes of ketamine/weed and even once alcohol/weed but they do not come close to the sheer power of this experience. Hope you enjoyed reading. :)

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 91156
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 3, 2013Views: 7,722
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Cannabis (1) : Entities / Beings (37), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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