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A Slow Climb to An Intense Time
by RWS
Citation:   RWS. "A Slow Climb to An Intense Time: An Experience with 2C-P (exp91164)". Oct 3, 2011.

T+ 0:00
8 ml oral 2C-P (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 1 hit smoked Products - Other Cannabis-Like Smoking Blends  
  T+ 8:00 1 tablet oral Pharms - Trazodone  
I've been holding onto a small sample of 2CP for a little while now. I don't know why I didn't try it earlier, maybe I was a little apprehensive. I've tried 2cb, 2ce, 2ci, of the 2cx family, and I'm plenty experienced with acid and psilocybin mushrooms. Yesterday afternoon, I threw some powder on the scale. Powder alone flickered between 7-8mg, in a weighing tray it was a solid 8mg, and in a capsule it flickered 8-9mg. I also weighed out some M1 for a friend that I promised it to. Off to his house we went.

I ate a fairly heavy dinner at 5:30, pasta, cole slaw, buttered bread. Right before 8pm, my friend swallowed the cap of M1, and a few mins later, I swallowed the 2cp. I knew he would be coming down as I was coming up. I don't mind being the only one tripping. It was just the 2 of us.

8pm)-Swallowed the cap, my heart is beating a little faster, probably in excitement. We started watching a movie called Driftwood.

9pm)-I suddenly have stomach cramps, nothing terrible, and pretty easily ignored. At this point I consider myself sober, although I can feel, and see through my vision, that my pupils are definitely dilated. My friend is enjoying the m1, he claims his tongue feels bigger lol, looks normal to me.

9:30pm)-I agree to go downstairs to the kitchen for a bite to eat, even though I am not hungry. I glance in the mirror, and my pupils are as big as they get, but still not much other than an anxious feeling. Lights definitely seems to take on a bluish hue. He lives with his parents, and in the kitchen is a full table of his relatives+1 wierdo. I can't stop thinking how odd it was for his 50+yr old aunt, to be dating someone our age (late twenties, early thirties). This guy is weird too. As I shovel the small amount of food, trying to get it down as fast as I can, I nearly choke holding my laughter back. This guy was talking about giving their neighbor black eyes, because he called the township to say their wheelchair ramp, for his girlfriend/my friend's aunts disabled child, is an eyesore to look at. I nod and agree, and I slowly back out of the kitchen and retreat back upstairs.

10pm)-I'm definitely feeling something now, that dose of reality turned it on. I took a good hit of a strong jwh-210 blend, and choose the Movie Jesus' Son to watch. I figured it was a comedy because Jack Black was on the cover. Boy was I wrong. It's weird, weird drama about a loser/heroin addict, and his path to happiness. Being an ex-junkie, this movie struck a chord in me. I could not stop comparing my life to this character's.

11pm)-Comming on strong now, visuals very prominent. I look at the popcorn ceiling, and the shadows are amazing. If I stare it long enough, everthing but the swirling shadows disappears. It is giving me visuals, that are very layered/superimposed, some of the best I've seen in awhile. CEV's are nothing but geometric/fractal shapes swirling and bulging. I'm thinking to myself, when the hell will this weird movie end. The main protagonist of the movie gets back with his then clean gf, sneaks out to get high, and when he awakes in the morning, she is dead from an overdose with a note that says 'wake me if you still want me'. Very sad to me.

11:45)-Finally that depressing/weird movie is over, I ask my friend to take me home. As I step outside, the world is glowing. The stars get bigger then smaller, and the clouds move, as if blanketing the dark sky. I smell the earth, and for a second get lost in my senses. On the way home, as we are coming up a small hill, and the approaching cars headlight crest the hill, it gives the most beautiful blue aura, and for a second I don't even recognize my familiar surroundings.

12am)-I arrive home. I had a little trouble getting the key in the door, but it wasn't too difficult. I'm still coming up. The framed horror movie posters in my bedroom were alive, they were every bit 3d as you and me. The trails are very prominent. If I move my hand through my feild of vision, it's seems to take seconds before the trails go away. I turn on my comp, go to Wikipedia and start reading.

12:30am)-I start reading about Rosicrucian myth. The words on the screen are crisp, but I can alter this almost at will. The letters and the spacing, creates complex geometric shapes. It's hot in my room, I turn on a fan. This fan makes the posters swing and lift off the wall. They are alive, the Return of the living dead 2 poster is the most incredible thing I'm seeing, it;s swirling and the lightning in the backround is flashing (google the poster).

1am-4am)-I've reached the plateau. Threads of white light shimmer off of everything with a glare or shine. I'm relatively clearheaded, but the layering effect I spoke of earlier is just crazy. It seems I can look at things from 3 or 4 angles, from the same vantage point, or mesh them all together and get an incredible 3d view. I am reading on about philosophies of the Buddha, and Buddhist art. Indian art is a favorite of mine. Music is incredible, my guitar cries for me to play it, but its too late and people are sleeping. I admire pictures of beautiful architecture that I will never see, but I close my eyes and I am there. It is approaching 4am, and I have a creeping headache in the back of my head. A 4am when I am still tripping hard, visuals are very promiment still, I pop a trazodone pill (not sure of the mg at the moment).

4:30am)-All visuals are now completely gone, I would say my trip is 95% gone. I wondered about trazodone being a trip killer, and it certainly is, hands down. I was asleep before 5am.

I woke up this morning at 10:30am with a decent headache, similar to a hangover. 2 ibuprofen took care of that issue and I feel fine typing this. I slept well enough to dream. All in all it was a wonderful experience. Much stronger/intense than I expected. I must admit, there was a certain level of anxiety, during the climb to the plateau, much more than 2ce or 2ci, but it was bearable. Next time I might bump it up a 1-2mg, but I would be happy with a repeated experience. I had no nausea, which is a plus in my book.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91164
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Oct 3, 2011Views: 12,595
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2C-P (305) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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