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All My Problems Just Vanish
Blue Lotus
Citation:   Cosmopolitan. "All My Problems Just Vanish: An Experience with Blue Lotus (exp91240)". May 9, 2018.

9 g oral Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (flowers)
Summary of Experiences With Blue Lotus

This report will be quite short, since I want to tell you what I exactly know and remember about blue lotus.

I always make a tea of dried blue lotus petals. Normally I let about 9 g of dried petals of blue lotus for about 7-10 minutes in boiling water (about 350 mL or a large cup, or 1 and 1/2 cups). The petals are weighed with a kitchen balance with a +/- accuracy of 1 g. Once the tea is ready, I use a mesh filter and squeeze the petals against it to get all the liquid out of the petals. Also, if the blue lotus sample came with a lot of dust on it, I filter the tea after extraction with a coffee filter. I add some sugar too. By the way, I am a scientist and know about plant extractions.

The tea does not taste bad at all. With sugar it taste smooth and sweet. It is easy to drink.
It is easy to drink.
The aroma and the taste are quite similar (not surprising), so what I smell is an anticipation of the taste. One cup of tea is sufficient for its purposes, i.e. extreme relaxation and a state of harmony and peace. The effects of blue lotus start about 45 min after I finish drinking. I can tell one thing about blue lotus: All my problems just vanish!

My experience after drinking blue lotus tea about 5-6 times is that even when I try hard to think in any particular problem I may have, I feel extremely relaxed and nothing can disturbs my soul. This is the main effect of blue lotus. I do not hallucinate on this herb, at least at this dose. There are NO SIDE EFFECTS, just relaxation and peace.

Samples I buy from the internet or elsewhere may be well stored and/or dried and/or not too old, and thus have such effects. One time one sample I've got did not produce any effect. Also, white lotus is similar to blue lotus but to my experience not as strong, very mild.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 91240
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: May 9, 2018Views: 3,829
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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