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Entering a World Where Everyone Was Happy
Citation:   ceaston. "Entering a World Where Everyone Was Happy: An Experience with MDMA (exp91307)". Mar 13, 2020.

  oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
Tale of a First Timer on MDMA

We were a bunch of friends in Berlin one weekend in May 2011 and the plan was to party and have a good time and Berlin was perfect for just that. We had started drinking on friday afternoon and I had a little buzz going on as we were eating dinner at about 11pm. A couple of friends of mine were talking about doing some MDMA later that night and wondered if anyone had any objections but our group is very open and got a general 'go for it'-attitude so that was no problem.

I had never done any drugs except from alcohol and a wee bit of weed but weed had never been a good choice for me as I am a pretty mellow guy by nature, I prefer something that makes me more upbeat and in the zone, so to speak. But I wasn't planning on doing drugs with them that night, I am generally happy with alcohol. Berlin had other plans for me that night though.

After standing in line for about 1 hour outside a very popular club by the river, drinking vodka and talking to people we finally got in. This was about 1am. And after a bit more alcohol and checking the place out one of my friends turned up with several vials of what they said looked like very pure MDMA. I was in a good mood and thought 'What the hell, why not?' and three of us went into one toilet stall and divided the crystals into our palms, licking them off and swallowing the _very_ bitter taste down with water. There seemed to be a queue just for people doing basically the same. My friends are pretty experienced in taking these sort of drugs so I felt I was in pretty good hands even though most of them were doing them as well.

We went to the outside area by the water waiting for the effect to hit us. After about 25-30 minute of smoking a few cigarettes and thinking about what I was in for I got a numbing feeling all over my body combined with a sense of well being. I could feel my mood picking up several notches and I was thinking 'Man, this is pretty awesome.' The place seemed to be moving in a bit of slow motion, the people seemed more relaxed and happy, the World just seemed to be having a really good night
the World just seemed to be having a really good night
. The feeling got more amplified as more time progressed but I wasn't paying attention to the clock on my phone, I just felt and knew that this was amazingly awesome. I felt alert but at the same time I felt I was entering another dimension, entering a world where everyone was happy and everything was wonderful. It was one of the best feelings I had ever felt.

The following hours are a bit hazy now but I danced a lot, I laughed a lot, I talked and discussed with a lot of other various people who were either on cocaine or MDMA themselves. It seemed those two drugs were that night's seduction. It just felt very natural and easy talking to anyone who seemed like they were having a good time. I didn't get all huggy and kissy as some say they experience but I just felt wonderful and euphoric. The world just felt like one huge party and everyone was happy being there...

I started coming down at about 5-6am after about 4-5 hours of bliss but it wasn't a bad feeling at all. I just noticed that my urge for dancing wasn't as strong as before, now I wanted to see the sunrise on the water and hang out talking to the people I had encountered earlier that night. A lot of other people seemed to have the same idea and as the club got a bit more quiet people seemed more relaxed and settled down.

We stayed outside smoking cigarettes, talking and discussing and bonding more with our new friends until about 8 in the morning when three of us decided to head back to the hotel. I wasn't tired or anything, I just had the feeling that this had been a near perfect night and it was time to leave. It had been one of the greatest nights in my life. I knew I could thank the quality MDMA for that but it didn't make any difference as I had seen the world in a different light than I had ever imagined.
I had seen the world in a different light than I had ever imagined.
I finally understood why my friends enjoyed this drug so much and they were happy it had been my first time that night.

I am pretty sure I will do MDMA again at some point but I will wait until I feel it is the right occasion for it. Hopefully in a similar setting as Berlin surrounded by other people just wanting to have a good time and love life.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91307
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Mar 13, 2020Views: 734
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Club / Bar (25)

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